Posts Tagged ‘Pisces’

“Don’t Look Back Warns the 21 Pisces 24 New Moon on March 11th 2013 at 12:52 pm PDT”

As we approach the Spring Equinox for the new anthropological year of 2013, we come upon the last New Moon before the period at 21 Pisces 24 on March 11th 2013 at 12:52 pm PDT. By considering the aspects with the other planets in the night sky, it becomes apparent it is signifying the necessity to review and to make a major change in our consciousness and our spiritual values. This phase of the moon is warning us not to look back, but to look forward to the future in a new light with the emotions and the viewpoints of seeing it as a child. In this way we experience each moment as something new and not some repetition of the past. With the grouping of planets known as a stellium in Pisces including Mars, Venus, Chiron, Mercury, and Neptune, it is indicating the areas we need to concentrate on, which is the following: our spiritual and transcendental thoughts and experiences, our values, our emotions, our intuitions, our imaginations and our creativity.

A Stellium of planets is a concentrated and heightened level of focus in the area of the sign and house it falls in, in the chart one is delineating. This leads to the characteristics associated with the signs, the houses and the aspects it makes with the angles and the other planets, to be the influence and to become the dominant factors. It is not only felt by us as individuals, but within the larger picture of our community, country and the global whole as one. The type of influences affecting each group will be indicated by the chart used to represent each of them. Individually, it is determined in what area the stellium of planets are in our natal chart and the aspects it makes with it. In some charts the power to change the situation is subtle, but with others the underlying energy and force is so powerful, it becomes the main focal point during this period. However we feel the energy, whether it is slight or potent, we know the moment for action is now or never.

“The Sabian symbol for the 22nd degree of Pisces is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Pisces 22 A man bringing down the new law from Sinai This is a symbol of the eternal authority implicit in the very fact of man’s ideals, and of a spiritualization of experience through the religious insights of human society and the institutions it has created for the common welfare. The inspired prophets of each age have been custodians of an enduring morality, and this has its embodiment in the mountain-top aspiration of even the least of individuals. Right is dramatized as a personal responsibility for the course of events. The keyword is mandate. When positive, the degree is self sacrifice and a determination to further the ultimate upliftment of all men, and when negative, self-exploitation and impenetrable egotism.

This symbol speaks to us of our inner spiritual and higher revelations which brings insights and awareness from a higher authority we need to begin to learn to rely on. It also speaks to us of our ability to have mystical and spiritual experience that can transform the way we as individuals and as a group live our lives. At its most lofty state, it has the ability to transform and to regenerate our personal moral integrity, our willingness for personal sacrifices and our personal commitment in making a difference in our own life and the lives of others. No matter how deeply we feel the energies of this New Moon, it is warning us not to look back, but to concentrate our energies towards creating a better future for ourselves and the planet. The concerted energies of the planets are reminding us that the power to create a better tomorrow is within each of us and the time should be now to bring into fruition our dreams.

“What Do We Consider Our Treasures Asks 7 Virgo 24 Full Moon on Feb 25 2013”


As the darkness and the coldness of the winter months begins to dim and give way to the hint that spring is around the corner, the transits of the planets have begun to paint their own stories in the night sky of what is about to commence. With many of the planets in a cluster, signifying that a concentrated effort is needed in order to make things happen, and that minor events will give way to what really matters at the moment. It is like the calm before the storm, that something is about to happen, and we are not quite sure what it is, but we feel deep within ourselves that it is more important then we realize. In this tranquil climate the 7 Virgo 24 Full Moon on February 25th 2013 at 12:27 pm PST is asking the question, “What do we consider our treasure that we need to cherish, to nourish, and which sustains who we are?”

Many may think it is the material things that we collect and surround our self with that defines who we are in this life. Our position at work, our salary, or the end results of our hard work that we have accomplished that brings the honor, esteem and the accolades from our co-workers. The planets in the night sky tell a different story, in that it is who we are, what we stand for, and the way we think that truly makes the differentiation of how we achieve what we truly desire and want in this life. These are the treasures in our life, which are the secret weapons and talents that we need, to honor, to cherish and to nourish any success and satisfaction we will have. We must remember that the outward material things may spoil and turn to dust, but what is truly within us is always there, and is capable of creating, recreating and sustaining our dreams and wishes.

“The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 8th degrees of Virgo and for the Sun in 8th degrees of Pisces is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Virgo 8 First dancing instruction This is a symbol of the self-perfecting required for the many different forms of man’s participation in the experience of his fellows, illustrated here in a potential excellence of special skills. The dance of life includes infinite versions of its rhythm and provides illimitable variations on the theme of its melody, but there must be some specific encouragement of individual ability as a stimulus to effective endeavor. Necessary always is that initial trial of self which in time leads to a continuity of effort. The keyword is assistance. When positive, the degree is achievement through a personal competence and a high gift for co-operation, and when negative, cheerful acceptance of ineptitude.

Pisces 8 A girl blowing a bugle This is a symbol of the self-perfecting required for the many different forms of man’s participation in the experience of his fellows, illustrated here in his successful achievement and discharge of group responsibility. Life’s activities may have a myriad modifications, but human personality must make one of these its special charge as a basis for its own fulfillment. The individual challenges his fellows and is challenged by them in turn at each recurring points of special potentiality. The keyword is summons. When positive, the degree is an eagerness for self-expression and an alertness to every opportunity for self-justification, and when negative, officiousness and delight in regimentation.

This symbol speaks to our innate knack to find our own niche in this world and our ability for self perfection and learning through instructions and observations. The image alludes to coordination, gracefulness, and flexibility at the skills necessary for successfully achieving any situation one attempts in life. It is not the end result that is important, but rather the competence, the cooperation and the extraordinary asset to visualize and to work towards the desired outcome, even if it is not realized at the moment. It is what is learnt that becomes part of the valuable items in our treasure chest. The wisdom to know when to continue and when to change directions will be the keys to the treasures we wish to accumulate. This symbol reveals to each one of us, of the self-refinement and the development of the special expertise and skill we each have within us that we will need to fine tune, to be ready to use it when we need it to bring about our dreams. This full moon is reminding us that we need to focus on what is truly in our treasure chest that can never be stolen, and is always ready and available to achieve our dreams and wishes.

“Is Mercury Retrograde Starting Feb 23rd 2013 Creating a Shakeup or a Reshuffle?”



As we are near the end of one year and are at the early part of another, there is hope and expectation, that a New Age and a transformation is about to happen.  In this atmosphere, the forever messenger and traveler, Mercury, enters with gusto into Retrograde on Saturday, February 23rd 2013, in 19 Pisces 54, at 1:41 am PST, and ends on Sunday, March 17th 2013, in 5 Pisces 38, at 1:03 pm PDT.  My biggest fear with retrograde is our concepts and apprehensions we have built up, over time, about what might happen to us during this period of time.  Having experienced this phenomenon many times, I can attest to the fact that if one is cautious, alert and aware of what is happening at the moment, one has nothing to fear, but fear itself.  This period is asking us to retrace our thoughts and feelings, and to prioritize what is really important to us. 

Many times during these periods when a computer, car or electronic instrument is going haywire, our biggest annoyance is the frustration and the time involved.  The real problem is not paying attention to the details and that the results of our actions come back to haunt us with delays and misunderstandings, which we could have avoided.  We will usually get a surprise which we did not expect, because we had not paid attention when it was happening.  The fault is not all due to the planet Mercury, but with us in this fast pace world of today.  We seem to always be anticipating the future, or reminiscing about the past, instead of living and paying attention to the present.  We are mostly to blame, as we tend not to be cautious nor did we pay attention to the details.  We need to become aware of the consequences of our actions or non-actions, to avoid the frustration and delays retrograde can bring.


What disturbs me with this interlude is that, we as astrologers tend to emphasize the negative aspects, rather then the positive actions we can take to avoid the frustrations and delays related to retrograde.  Instead of avoiding certain situations, we need to be prepared and mentally alert for whatever comes our way, in order to avoid the pitfalls.  Knowing that delays and unexpected outcomes are possible, our attitude toward the situation should be more of calmness, rather then agitation.  As we meet each negative situation with a positive action, we will begin to create a positive force around us.   Mercury Retrograde in Pisces is telling us to shakeup our priorities and to reshuffle them in what we truly believe in, and truly stand for.  At this time, it is asking us to find our own inner spiritual voice, and to allow it to have its place in the limelight.


 “The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 20th degrees of Pisces and for the Sun in 6th degrees of Capricorn is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.


Pisces 20  A table set for an evening meal  This is a symbol of nature’s prodigality as revealed through the normal satisfactions for which modern man seldom has to exert himself, and as these take on significance through his instinct for finding every phase of reality a special revelation of his own potentials.  Every individual discovers that there is no part of the universe he cannot enlist for the fulfillment of his own desires, and in making every such potentiality an expression of his own genius he achieves its promise in a thorough self-gratification.  The keyword is familiarity.  When positive, the degree is an effective sensitiveness to every passing need of mankind and when negative, naïve selfishness and a wholly witless optimism.


Pisces 6  Officers on dress parade  This is a symbol of a cyclic and necessary intensification of any personal being, as emphasized on the side of ritualized or ideal experience.  Dignity and protocol always provide a dramatic and valuable rehearsal of cultural or group values, exalting each individual in some one respect for the strengthening of all in their total pattern.  Here is an investment of selfhood for the long-range potentialities of life, made possible by some immediate and self-fulfilling demonstration of personal skill or capacity.  The keyword is discipline.  When positive, the degree is schooled self-assurance and absolute responsibility, and when negative, unimaginative exercise of special privilege.


 This symbol speaks to the abundance of gifts, talents and nourishments that is given to us from the Universe, which lies within each of us.  It alludes to the fact that each of us is given the freedom of choice, to accept or reject what life has to offer.  How well we use these gifts and assets in our lives will determine the success and happiness we will achieve.  It is asking us to trust what has been given to us, and that these are the things we need, to fulfill our purpose in this life.  At the same time as we work with these gifts, it is asking us to respect and honor them with the dignity they deserve.  This Mercury Retrograde in Pisces is telling us, we need to shakeup and reshuffle our priorities, if we hope to accept the challenges and the rewards that are about to appear on the horizon, as the New Year unfolds.  At the same time, it is telling us that we need to allow our inner spiritual voice to be given a chance to have its place in the limelight.  

Retrograde Begins


Retrograde Ends


February 23rd 2013

1:41 am PST

19 Pisces 51

March 17th 2013

1:03 pm PDT

5 Pisces 38

June 26th 2013

6:07 am PDT

23 cancer 7

July 20th 2013

11:22 am PDT

13 Cancer 22

October 21st 2013

3:29 am PDT

18 Scorpio 24

November 10th 2013

1:12 pm PST

2 Scorpio 30


“The 21 Scorpio 56 Solar Eclipse on Nov 13th is Stressing the Passion for Candidness”


Drama and intrigue is in the air as the cold winter winds blow with Chiron and Neptune in Pisces as they are exchanging glances with Ceres in Cancer, while Mercury Retrograde is in Sagittarius.  The tragedies and the schemes being played out by the aspects in the night sky is being reflected and mirrored within our own conscience.  Solar eclipses are extra powerful New Moons, signaling a time of major endings and the first stages of major beginnings.  On November 13th 2012 is not only a super moon, indicating its closeness to the earth and at the same time, a partial solar eclipse at 21 Scorpio 56 at 3:09 pm PST is stressing the passion for candidness.  Our own sense of right and wrong is demanding us to be honest with ourselves and to have the integrity to step up to the plate when called on.  During this period of time the energies of the moon exposes what we think is our dark side, our secret passions, our fears, our inabilities to cope and the trepidation of not accomplishing and completing one’s destiny.  Our higher inner voices with the push from the influences of the planets are telling us, to shut up or put up. 


“The Sabian symbol for the 22nd degree of Scorpio is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.


 Scorpio 22  Hunters starting out for ducks  This is a symbol of the sim0licity of self-expression and the straightforward honesty of desire which men tend to exhibit from birth in nearly every realm of normal or everyday activity, and of the average individual’s need for genuine psychological elbow-room in his dealing with world about him.  Here is freedom of action willy-nilly, as marked in the frequent determination of the human spirit to have this by one means if not by another.  The keyword is enterprise.  When positive, the degree is a complete lack of personal frustration and a constant refinement of special and practical skills in the approach to daily problems, and when negative, a callous exploitation of all life.


This symbol speaks to us of our agenda, our directness and our ability to get to the point whether it is politically correct or not.  It confirms our mission and our strong sense of purpose.  At the same time it subtly implies a lack of restriction, a lack of freedom and a lack of compassion.  This symbol connects well with the aspects in the night sky as it suggests a need to get to the root of the matter, if we are to have a solution to any problem.  It is asking us to go within and candidly review who we are and where we are going.  This is the time to clean our minds of clutter, get rid of old hurts and throw out the dark secrets.  We need to have more transparency, so we can begin to comprehend where we are really coming from and to where we really are going.  With Mercury in retrograde our meditations during this period will surprise us with insights that will amaze us.  As the energies of an eclipse is powerful, may we become more aware and more appreciative of it, and may we heed the message it is sending to us with the passion we have within us.


“Mars a Malefic in Pisces In the Sixth House Maybe just a Court Jester in Disguise”

It is always interesting and amazing to me how one learns more from the study of astrology from studying and researching one’s own natal chart.  Trying to memorize the rules and the definitions of the signs with the planet has always been very difficult for me.  After many tries with cue cards and every trick in the trade I have given up trying to rattle off a definition off the top of my head.  Letting the meaning of the sign and the planet digest in my conscious and subconscious mind for a length of time, my consciousness comes up with a delineation that even surprises me at times.  From the very beginning of my studies I have been taught that the sixth house and Mars were considered malefic, and to have the house empty and Mars in some other house could be a blessing in disguise.  Whether it is fortunate or unfortunate I came into this world with Mars in a sign that it is not the happiest in, and in the sixth house.  Mars in Pisces is sensitive and strongly influenced by a passive nature not prone to aggression unless angered.  My early childhood taught me that life needed to be worked at, if one was to accomplish what one hoped for in life, so having a difficult sixth house was not necessarily alarming to me.

The sixth is the house of service, by serving, working for, waiting on, attending to, in other words indicating working under someone.  It also indicates how and how well we carry out our duties and the state of our health.   Mars symbolizes activity, and is the archetype for action, for work, for fighting, for anger and for aggression, but is weak and more submissive in Pisces. It may appear or show its characteristics very subtly, but there is a breaking point when the full force of its energies will be released.  Mars in Pisces is sympathetic, sensitive, receptive, and at the same time dislikes conflict and discord of any kind by compromising to maintain peace.  This attribute is emotional, adaptable, sacrificing with a tendency for the artistic and dramatic displays and action.  Mars in the sixth house directs action towards work, the type of employment and service.  At the same time the state of affairs of the health of the individual is indicated.  One is usually an energetic worker, industrious and unless otherwise indicated by aspects, works extremely well as a team worker under good leadership.

I find the above description quite accurate, but I feel the actions and energy of Mars in my chart is like a court jester full of little surprises.  I have always wondered about the role the jester plays at court.  He has many faces and one is a fool, one an entertainer, one a comedian and one a clown that keeps the royals laughing and happy.  Another, less conspicuous is the observer and confidant of the King, being aware of the intrigues and the mechanism of court life and has learn to survive through it all.  The passiveness that Mars gives to me is not being subordinate to another, but a need to keep an even keel in all relationships and situations with a happy disposition.  This makes me observant of the nature of others and the ability to work around and with them, and gives me a key to work in close cooperation, even with all the maneuverings in the work place.  Mars being in Pisces is a malefic and is in a malefic house, does not frighten me because the planet like the court jester entertains me and keeps me amuse, and there is never a dull moment with all the surprises up its sleeve..

“The New Frontier is Within Whispers the 08 Pisces 33 Full Moon on August 31st 2012”

As the world seems to spin ever so quickly further into the world of tomorrow, with the gadgets and technology leaving the world of science fiction and becoming reality, it seems there is no boundary that has not been touched or explored.  Yet, one area in our life seems to have taken a back seat and stood still, and with some, has reverted to a slower time period.  It is the moments which were meant to be experienced and lived for what it was, and are now lost forever in time as memories that could have been.  In the mist of the hottest summer I have ever experienced, the Full Blue Moon (blue indicating the second full moon in the same month) in 08 Pisces 33, is happening on August 31st 2012 at 6:58 am PDT whispering that the new frontier we need to revisit is within. 

The aspects in the night sky are trying to tell us that what we are experiencing as a global community or individually may be created by who we think we are, rather then by our true essence.  Have we allowed our feelings, emotions, thoughts and beliefs to be overcome by the awe of the spectacular and the excitements of our modern achievements, and have lost our connections with our spiritual source and with one another?  What is really important and essential for the health and success of the greatest creation of the Universe, life, being jeopardize by what we think matters and not what really matters?  In this modern world with everything laid in front of us begging our attention, do we have the wisdom to choose the right thing that will benefit all of us, and make life worthwhile?  

“The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 9 degrees of Pisces and for the Sun in 9 degrees of Virgo is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Pisces 9  A jockey  This is a symbol of the eagerness for life an individual must show in any true revelation of himself, and of the concern he must have for the struggles and competitions of everyday experience.  It is only through thoroughly consistent performance of his skills and talents that man establishes himself among his fellows, and as this develops in excellence he is under increasing obligation to be successful in exhibiting them.  Implicit in the symbolism are very harsh penalties for any failure to drive the capabilities of self to the limit.  The keyword is practice.  When positive, the degree is a spectacular gift for rising to any occasion, and when negative, witless gambling of every resource and potentiality.

Virgo 9  A man making a futurist drawing  This is a symbol of the originality an individual must show in any true assertion of himself, and of the importance of the aesthetic or more spiritual areas of his experience.  It is only through an identifiable and personal uniqueness that man is able to establish himself among his fellows, and the risk he takes is that if this becomes too extreme it may repel rather than attract.  Implicit in the symbolism is a challenge to a distinctiveness which will release the creative capacities of others as well as self.  The keyword is experiment.  When positive, the degree is a gift for the illimitable expansion of the human mind and a consequent extension of its powers, and when negative, complete and continuous confusion of ideas.

This symbol speaks to us to live life fully to the best of our abilities, and to acknowledge that we would not be able to achieve this without our connection with the source of all life.  It is truly living and being in the moment with our inner higher self that we learn to improve and improvise any future experiences.  With Uranus square Pluto an emphasis on the regeneration and transformation is explored through originality and the uniqueness of the expression of our individualities and yet connected to the Divine source to create and to bring solutions, to any situations that confront us.  It is in living and being in the moment from within our higher self that we tend to express the best and begin to understand our purpose here.  This Full Moon in Pisces is whispering and reminding us that the new frontier we need to conquer, to understand and to work with is within our higher self, if we are to succeed in our wishes and dreams in navigating through life’s trials and tribulations.

“Is the Part of Fortune the Cause or One of the Factors for Our Financial Outcome?”


With the global financial situation looking a bit gloomy on the horizon and having lasted longer than any financial advisor expected, it is predictable that the concern for our own financial situation would be on our minds.  A novice will encounter the meaning of the Part of Fortune shortly after having a consultation concerning his finances, as astrologers feel it dramatically illustrates their delineation.  In my experience many of those individuals who come under the influence of astrology, have come to the art because they have either romantic or financial questions that have sparked their interest.  In delineating, one must take the whole chart in consideration to make any accurate prediction pertaining to any area of concern the individual may have.  The problem comes about, that without realizing it, the Part of Fortune takes center stage and becomes the focal point of determining in what area of life, the financial outcome will or will not manifest in.  My problem is that we lose sight that the chart as a whole needs to confirm the conditions the finances will be like in our lifetime.

Morin has always stated and repeated in all his books, that there should be several indications that something is going to occur, before one can become certain that it may come about.  It may happen or may not happen because he always felt, the freedom to choose was ours to make.  Even if it does come about as predicted, the degree it will come to pass is determined by the choices we make.  I personally have always felt that the Part of fortune was just one of the players of several in obtaining our financial goals.  It may be one of the important indicators in that it helps us to determine what talents, assets and tribulations will be a help or an obstacle towards any degree of success indicated by the chart.  The house position of the Part of fortune points to the area in our life that will influence how we see financial prosperity and security in our world.  The house colors in the way we see possession, what is considered a possession and to what area the prosperity will manifest itself.


Recently I ran across someone who had their ascendant in the beginning of Aires with the Moon in Pisces in the eleventh house on the edge of the twelfth, with the Sun in Virgo in the sixth house and the Part of fortune in Libra in the seventh house, and the ruler of Libra in Scorpio conjunct Pluto.  It always excites me to see the angles in the houses as they were meant to be in a natal chart, as I personally feel the energy of those houses are that much more powerful and direct.  And that the destiny and purpose of the individual is laid out plain and simple without the hidden complexities and subtleness most charts have hidden in them.  The difficulty is seeing the simplicity that is right in front of oneself.  Aries is energetic, powerful, inspiring, self-concerned and assertive.  Pisces is sympathetic, caring, responsive, nurturing and spiritual.  Virgo is articulate, analytical, service minded and detail oriented.  Libra is people oriented, on the side of justice, balancing the opposites and the refinement of beauty.  Pluto investigates, seeks the secrets and the sacred mysteries and sees transformation, as death and birth cycles that all life goes through.


I have a strong conviction that by arranging the keywords of the Part of Fortune, one will come up with the areas, the assets and liabilities that will determine whether we fulfill, increase or lose the promise of the financial conditions indicated.  With Aries and Pluto the energy and the power is ever present and continuingly moving into new directions.  The keyword is cultivating and harnessing the energy and force, were one is in control of it and not the other way around.  Balancing the force is the issue here, in order not to confuse the message you are receiving or conveying to others.  Taking the mysteries and the spiritual significance within and combing them with everyday issues into a workable system is on the agenda.  Balance, wisdom, feelings and emotions need to come into play when relating to others.  With Libra the importance is in sharing what one knows in what works for you, that are important and really matters.  The satisfaction is in the knowing you have something worthwhile to give and to share, and to a public that appreciates it and respects it.  It is taking the mystery out of the secrets and making it plain and simple that will be your key to success.  Seeking and fulfilling your destiny will be your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  In conclusion the Part of fortune definitely is the cause, and the effect is whatever our true self was hoping for.

“The Answer Lies Within Ourselves Whispers the 18 Virgo 13 Full Moon on March 8th 2012”

The winter doldrums are beginning to fade as the first signs of spring are in the air, with expectations and hopes that new answers and new visions will be forthcoming to help solve new and reoccurring situations.  As we continue to ask, seek, and search for solutions for problems that seem to have staying power with subtle annoyances making their presence felt.  The 18 Virgo 13 Full Moon on March 8th 2012 at 1:41 am PST is whispering to us that the answer lies within ourselves.  We have handed over the handling of the financial downturn to others in high places because we thought they had the qualifications, the requirements, the knowledge, the wisdom, and the sense of duty and responsibility to guide us in the right direction from the state of affairs they have created.  Because of this action we have given up our right, our privilege and our initiative to come to our own conclusions and have accepted the responsibility of the decisions of others in the creation of our future. 

We have seen this play out in the real world around us, and the results have not been pretty or what we have hoped for.  This moon phase is signaling to us that we need to depend on our own ingenuity, intuition and insights to develop or solve our personal tribulations and to be responsible, and not to follow or be led by the conditions or the prevailing thoughts and conclusions that surround us.  Whether the moments are problems or opportunities, are we delving into and asking the right questions, in order to arrive at the right answers and solutions?  With the square to Juno and the conjunction to Pallas, the aspects are confronting us to see the truth of the issues, to face up to it and to work with our spiritual beliefs and conviction to bring our dreams and hopes into reality.  This full moon is demanding us to make and take responsibility for our lives, whether personally or as a global community, if we are to see a better tomorrow.   

“The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 19 degrees of Virgo and for the Sun in 19 degrees of Pisces is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Virgo 19  A swimming race  This is a symbol of the utter impartiality of existence in any larger dimension, and of the stimulus of direct competition whenever an individual seeks to perfect or enjoy some one of the special skills comprising his individuality.  He discovers that it is necessary to control every separate factor of his being, or else be ruled by the divergencies which make them up apart from their function within himself.  Life superficially remains in unstable balance, and survival is in the terms of that effectiveness or excellency which is best able to prove itself.  The keyword is elimination.  When positive, the degree is man’s capacity for any extreme of self-pointedness he may find valuable in a given case, and when negative, inadequate self-dramatization.

Pisces 19  A master instructing his pupil  This is a symbol of the unlimited potentiality of existence in any larger dimension, and of the demand of human intelligence for the self-refinement and self-orientation by which a greater understanding is possible.  Life entreats the individual to employ its privileges and enjoy its bounty, and gives every encouragement to that initiative of spirit by which he may be led to do so.  He finds that personality comes into its own as it is able to direct its own destiny.  The keyword is elucidation.  When positive, the degree is high executive ability through patient investigation and genuine psychological insight, and when negative, a desire to live by rule and a conceit of empty knowledge.

Implicit in this symbol is the concept of self discipline with the need to give up something in order to gain proficiency and perfection in our assets and talents we need to achieve in accomplishing our desires and dreams.  There are no winners or losers, as the competition helps each one of us to hone our skills to eliminate and to process those abilities that will work for us, and to recognize the liabilities that will hinder.  It is also telling us to take responsibility, to take control, to make the effort, and to learn to perfect the skills we need to meet the obstacles that life places in front of us.  That we can not rely on others to face the challenges, without us doing the homework too, and to understand what lies ahead.  This image subtly implies that time may be of the essence, and we need to acquire the knowledge, information and skill sooner than we thought or realize.  As we encounter life in 2012, we need to remind ourselves that this 18 Virgo 13 Full Moon is whispering to us that the answer lies within ourselves.

“To Comprehend That Which is Hidden, Nudges the Pisces New Moon on Feb 21 2012?

As our sojourn through the cold winter months is taking an upward turn towards the thought that spring is near, and that new hopes and wishes are on the horizon and are about to bloom soon.  Our feelings and plans for the year are gaining a momentum all its own.  Within this sense of excitement and energy the 2 Pisces 42 New Moon at 2:35 pm PST on February 21st 2012 makes its appearance nudging us to grasp and to comprehend our hidden beliefs, our hidden secrets and our hidden mysteries that lie dormant in our consciousness and our sub consciousness for our benefit and use, no matter how the year turns out for each of us.  WithNeptune, Mercury, Chiron and two other asteroids conjoining the Moon and Sun in Pisces, it is like the joker in a field of playing cards that may be a help or a disadvantage, but not without pain. 

As the old axiom “where there is no pain, there is no gain” will be making its presence known and felt during the coming year.  Uncovering and revealing these thoughts and moments which are hidden in the back of our memories, gives us the time and opportunity to resolve issues that may be a hindrance or a benefit for our further growth.  It is in experiencing the pain of reliving the moments we have conveniently laid aside that understanding and comprehending the circumstances, that healing comes about.  With healing comes acceptance and forgiveness and in time we will extend our gratitude for experiencing the trials and tribulations, in so doing, we begin to understand their part in our development.  This new awareness and confidence is the extra ingredient we need to help, to create and to bring into fruition our desires and hopes in the coming year.    

“The Sabian symbol for the 3rd degree of Pisces is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Pisces 3  A petrified forest  This is a symbol of the absolute certainty which any individual may develop in the terms of his conscious knowledge, and of the power in human character which becomes the hallmark of his intellectual orientation.  The static symbolism is a warning against any reliance on stabilities to which no immediate or personal contribution is made, and which in consequence may become obstacles to progress.  Here rather is dramatization of an eternal stoutheartedness, and of its very practical dividends in spiritual continuance.  The keyword is survival.  When positive, the degree is effective continuity and breadth of resource in human effort, and when negative, complete immobilization in superficial reality.

This symbol speaks to us about convictions, intellectual certainties, character, concepts and ideas that survive long after they have been conceived.  It is the image of endurance, but at the same time it alludes to inflexibility, stubbornness, resistance to change and the inability to adapt or improvise at any moment in time.  One begins to realize and suspect that the picture we have of our self may be a stumbling block instead of a stepping stone to accomplish our dreams.  This symbol speaks to our inner soul, by epitomizing and demanding us to search within our deepest thoughts, that the convictions we held so dearly and live by as truth for so long, still resonates and supports us in accomplishing our wishes and dreams.  If we hope to live this year as fully as possible, we need to listen and to take advantage of the energy and power of this New Moon in Pisces.  By trying to grasp and to comprehend the hidden beliefs, secrets and mysteries of our consciousness within us and to change it, if need be.  Then and then only, will we be able to transform our stumbling block into a stepping stone in which to generate and live a life joyfully and with satisfaction.

“The Veil Over Our Inner Truths is Lifted as the 19 Pisces Full Moon Begins on Sept 12th”

As we begin another full moon, my reflections recall how I always related the two periods to the symbol of the yin and the yang, where the opposites are one with the other, and yet nothing without the other.  The New Moon is the essence and the start of the gathering of the light, and the Full Moon is when we begin to care for and support that which we have gathered together and created.  At this point we still have time during the month to revise and rethink and to reinvent the ideas and plans to take us into the future, if what we have started in the new moon has not come to fruition.  This 19 Pisces 17 Full Moon on September 12th 2011 at 2:27 p.m. PDT does not fail to fulfill its promise as it lifts and rips off the veil over our inner truths, allowing us to have better access to them, for our use in creating a better and more hopeful future.  With a grand trine involving Jupiter, Pluto and Mercury, death and rebirth is but a cycle to give witness to the grand design of the Universe.  Each of us needs to go within our own inner spiritual sanctum and lift off the veil to see what truths and secrets are at our disposal, which are our gifts and blessings from the Universe.  To take time to understand who we are and where we really need to be, and to have the gratitude that we are where we should be.

“The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 20 degrees of Pisces and for the Sun in 20 degrees of Virgo is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Pisces 20  A table set for an evening meal  This is a symbol of nature’s prodigality as revealed through the normal satisfactions for which modern man seldom has to exert himself, and as these take on significance through his instinct for finding every phase of reality a special revelation of his own potentials.  Every individual discovers that there is no part of the universe he cannot enlist for the fulfillment of how own desires, and in making every such potentiality an expression of his own genius he achieves its promise in a thorough self-gratification.  The keyword is familiarity.  When positive, the degree is an effective sensitiveness to every passing need of mankind, and when negative, naïve selfishness and a wholly witless optimism.

Virgo 20  An automobile caravan  This is a symbol of nature’s prodigality as revealed through man’s genius for multiplying the facilities of modern life, and for pyramiding the expectancies which will interest an enlightened individual.  Experience is on the move in a civilized society, since everyone has been encouraged to heed his visions and to claim increasing rewards for the skill he develops.  Self goes out very courageously to meet its world, and as a result finds it has brought a cosmos to its doorstep.  The keyword is variety.  When positive, the degree is an exceptional capacity for creating a greater promise and producing expanded dividends in every area of human activity, and when negative, improvidence and restlessness.

As I continue to work with the Sabian symbols, I have become more convinced each day that the interpretations are similar to using the I Ching text (The Book of Changes).  One must enter its portals with reverence and respect, and the indications and the paths it has in its insight will be revealed.  As with the wisdom of the ancient words which needs to be taken in context with the question, the meaning to the Sabian symbols must be interpreted and delineated with the aspects it makes with the other planets in the night sky.  Prodigality as defined in The American Heritage Dictionary is as follows “profuse generosity, extreme abundance, lavishness”.  An appreciative attitude is required and needed as we partake of our daily meal or a special occasion feast or banquet.  Gratitude for the thought and the preparation involved is as important as the consumption of what is presented in front of us.  So too, as we enter this incarnation and are invited to partake of the abundance life has to offer and are shown our talents, assets and liabilities, we must realize and recognize that gratitude is the key in helping us work with what has been given for our use.  This Full Moon in Pisces is allowing us to go within our sacred portal before our own Holy Altar which is within each of us and lift off the veil, to see and be thankful for the treasure trove of gifts the Universe has bestow upon us as we sojourn through this lifetime.  How we approach our inner space and with what level of respect, honor and gratitude, will determine how successful we will be to achieve our desires and wishes.