Posts Tagged ‘solar eclipse’

“Is it Wiser to Allow the Promise of the Natal Chart to Unfold or to Help it Along?”

Transits that aspects the natal chart, especially the eclipses, has always been of interest to me, in the ways the individuals effected by the aspect, experiences the moment. In this day and age, I feel so many things are vying for our attention that we sometimes miss the opportunities that present themselves. Also I have always wondered whether our foreknowledge of the events, might make us vulnerable by manipulating the outcome and not necessarily to what, the Universe had in store for us. Are we creating the results we want to come to pass, and not because they were suppose to happen? The upcoming solar eclipse in May, I feel is a significant one and I wanted to examine a chart to see whether it was wiser to allow the promise of the transit to unfold, or to help it along. And whether our expectations and our ego might not only color the consequences, but hinder it, from the full potential of its manifestation.

Ask, and the Universe will answer. I came across an individual where the individual felt the subtle beneficial aspect of the upcoming eclipse was already beginning to show signs it was fulfilling its promises, as it was affecting the seventh and the tenth house matters. This was exciting to me as the prediction seem already beginning to unfurl like a whirlwind, as indicated by the aspects. The eclipse sits on the individual’s descendant trine Pluto in the Tenth conjunct Uranus. This alone is a picture with a thousand words. My first teacher emphasized that in certain cases the effect of an eclipse may be felt by some six months ahead, than when it actually comes into aspect. Morin, one of my favorite ancient astrologers, emphasized the need to see at least three aspects pointing to the event, before predicting. The solar return has a grand trine with several other trines and a lesser known and used aspect, the kite, and with Pluto in the first. The profection is dealing with the eleventh house of hopes, friends and wishes. What more can one ask for?

As I continue to study the chart, my little voice inside of me, said to tell the person, I would love to change places, or would I? With everything moving full steam ahead, would I have the wisdom to be open to what would be unfolding before my eyes? Would I have the intelligence to keep abreast of all the details? Will I develop inertia or laziness and allow my creative abilities who got me this far, to take a holiday because all was falling into place? As with all good things, pitfalls abound in the most unlikely places and appear as wolfs in sheep’s clothing. As I have learnt the hard way, we need to allow things to unfold and not try to make things materialize or help it along. The Universe is far wiser than we are and knows what we need. For example, many years ago I was told by an astrologer that I would do very well in my chosen field of design, which I was very excited about. A job out of my field of interest kept calling me, but I kept turning it down. In hindsight I now realize it was the perfect stepping stone to accomplish what I hoped for. At the time I wasn’t open enough to see the possibilities. Had I let things unfold instead of trying to make it happen, success would have been sooner and better than when it finally did arrive.

“Are You Talking To Me Taurus Solar Eclipse Conjunct My Sun in the Tenth House?”

The tenth house has been an interest of mine since I began my studies, as I have always felt that the two most important questions always asked concerning the natal chart, is either happiness in love or career success. Once these two are answered, the other questions seem minor in comparison and the discussion of the rest of the chart becomes more general. Unless of course, the consultation was on something very specific that was on the client’s mind. At this point the delineation of the chart in my opinion becomes less predictive and becomes a disclosure of the assets and liabilities of the person. The tenth house represents the conscious effort of applying the assets and conditions given at birth and how the person solidifies and channels them into reality. The Sun in the tenth represents the essence, the power, the energy and the determination to accomplish what it set out to do.

It has always occurred to me that in delineating the planets in this house, I felt the Sun’s interpretation in this position was missing a subtle influence. I have felt in my own life this force has been the influence and key to truly fulfilling the promises of this house. Many sources will give one in detail a description of how each planet affects this house and the possible outcome that will be expressed, if all is working as plan. What I personally feel has been left out is an emphasis that the Sun is the essence and the subtle power and energy behind the other planets. Without the Sun’s rays we would never be able to appreciate the qualities the other planets express in our lives and the benefits each blesses us with. Taking this thought seriously, one realizes whatever planet is in this position, needs to hold its head high and upright with the confidence of one who knows how to unleash the promise of this house, especially the Sun.

For this reason one must get to what the essence of the Sun in this position is. The bottom line is to understand what encourages the Sun to do what it does. Through studying the old masters I realize what was needed in order to express the full power and energy, is to allow the Sun to express its true character and to be true to itself. How is that done? Pondering that, I came across one, who so kindly allowed me to study her natal chart, which had the Sun in the tenth in which a Taurus Solar Eclipse was one degree from conjunction. By delineating this chart I came across the keyword that I needed in order to explain and express how to get the most out of this planet. By studying her natal with the solar return chart, I realize that my first impression about tenth house issues were still on the top of the list as a major concern, but not exactly, as what one might image it to be.

Although the Sun in her natal chart was my major interest, the Moon with the North Node near the angle in the first, square to the Sun caught my attention. I have been taught when the two lights are in this aspect, it means that they are continuingly in discussion and debate on which is the right path to follow. The struggle is on going and can create more trials or more answers, depending on the circumstances at the moment. Although work, career and one’s standing among one’s peers may be highlighted. What is actually emphasized is the need for this individual to allow the Sun to find its bliss, and in so doing, she will find her own bliss. What does finding her bliss mean in relationship to the tenth house? It is doing what she really loves and receiving recognition for it. What will make her happy and rejuvenate her at the same time is the important action to take at this time.

What is missing that truly defines her, needs to be discovered and uncovered. Work may bring in the needed necessities and the rewards, but doing what she loves will give her the feeling, she has succeeded. With the upcoming eclipse, the Universe is giving her some space without all the disturbances to find her answer. It is trying to help her realize, it is time that her Sun discovers its joys in order to express what it does best. In so doing, she discovers the bliss becomes hers by default. By finding her contentment, the questions and the insecurities will float away and a new confidence will take hold, allowing her to see the opportunities she might normally miss. How can the rest of us benefit from this? It is giving permission to our subconscious and conscious mind to permit our own Sun to discover its own bliss. By doing this, we will find our own happiness creating a mind-set that we can accomplish anything we put our mind to. To reconfirm, one of the important keys to the Sun in the tenth, is finding one’s bliss. This is the first step in discovering, in fulfilling and in creating into reality the promises of the natal chart.

“Revive the Magic and the Wonderment bellows the 19 Tau 31 Solar Eclipse on May 9 2013”

As time continues to unfold, the year of the snake is fulfilling the promise of the unexpected, the unusual, and the abrupt happenings manifesting in extraordinary ways. It is essential we keep one step ahead of it, if we wish to accomplish what we desire in the future. Even if we can not anticipate the situation, we need to be open enough, to improvise wisely, if we need to, when the time comes. In this atmosphere and anticipation, the 18 Taurus 31 Solar Eclipse on May 9th 2013 at 5:29 pm PDT makes it s presence felt. It is emphasizing the need to revive the myths, legends, mysteries and the sacred knowledge that has survive through the millenniums. At the same time, to restore the wonderment and the excitement of it all. The Universe is reminding us that it is through the wisdom of the past that we will begin to see a better future. It has been our disregard of the sacred knowledge and allowing then to be hidden away that we have forgotten how they have been the helping hand to get us where we are now.

With a stellium of planets concentrated in one part of the chart, one is reminded of the power, energy and the force it will have on whatever it is focus on. Especially, as the planets are in Taurus in a fixed sign, the creative force will find it very difficult to change its position once its direction is made clear. Taurus is also the very proud guardian of the sacred wisdom and will protect it at all cost. It is imperative at this time that we are clear to ourselves of where our starting point is coming from and what we really believe in, as this is the foundation we are building upon. Once our direction is clear, the energy that will be release will be so powerful and forceful, it will astound us. There are no second thoughts or a change of mind. One must be sure what one is asking for, is what one really wants. The mysteries, sacred knowledge and the magic and the wonderment from the past mixed with our clear vision of our wishes will bring dreams into reality.

“The Sabian symbol for the 20th degree of Taurus is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Taurus 20 Wind clouds and haste this is a symbol of the transiency which characterizes life for the average individual, and of the instability which results from the disinclination of most people to give very much of themselves to their experience. Implicit in the negative symbolism is the divine aplomb of the ego, ever able to hold to its course through superficial excitement. There is a real spiritual lightness here as an outer mark of the soul’s fundamental freedom. The keyword is exaltation. When positive, the degree is efficiency in controlling events at any point of transition or crisis, and when negative, a diffusion of self and waste of energy in an attempt to grasp the myriad facets of the unessential.

This symbol speaks to us of the insecurity and the instability that will surround us if we try to avoid any commitment and responsibility. At the same time, it is reminding us not to rush into any situation, but emphasizes the importance of staying calm and holding steady in the midst of temporary turmoil and change, represented by the winds and clouds. At its highest merit, it speaks of our ability to combine the myths, the legends, the mysteries and the sacred knowledge in order to stay centered in the face of sudden tribulations and trials. Applying this knowledge, it will instill in us the ability to recognize and to seize the moments and opportunities that are created by our wonderment and excitement. All eclipses speak to us of the sacred knowledge, myths, legends, and mysteries. This particular eclipse is asking to revive the magic and the wonderment of it all, to make it as real today as it was for those, long ago. This will be one of the keys that will secure us safely through the trials we will face in the coming year. As the saying goes, “one either uses it or loses it”

“The 21 Scorpio 56 Solar Eclipse on Nov 13th is Stressing the Passion for Candidness”


Drama and intrigue is in the air as the cold winter winds blow with Chiron and Neptune in Pisces as they are exchanging glances with Ceres in Cancer, while Mercury Retrograde is in Sagittarius.  The tragedies and the schemes being played out by the aspects in the night sky is being reflected and mirrored within our own conscience.  Solar eclipses are extra powerful New Moons, signaling a time of major endings and the first stages of major beginnings.  On November 13th 2012 is not only a super moon, indicating its closeness to the earth and at the same time, a partial solar eclipse at 21 Scorpio 56 at 3:09 pm PST is stressing the passion for candidness.  Our own sense of right and wrong is demanding us to be honest with ourselves and to have the integrity to step up to the plate when called on.  During this period of time the energies of the moon exposes what we think is our dark side, our secret passions, our fears, our inabilities to cope and the trepidation of not accomplishing and completing one’s destiny.  Our higher inner voices with the push from the influences of the planets are telling us, to shut up or put up. 


“The Sabian symbol for the 22nd degree of Scorpio is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.


 Scorpio 22  Hunters starting out for ducks  This is a symbol of the sim0licity of self-expression and the straightforward honesty of desire which men tend to exhibit from birth in nearly every realm of normal or everyday activity, and of the average individual’s need for genuine psychological elbow-room in his dealing with world about him.  Here is freedom of action willy-nilly, as marked in the frequent determination of the human spirit to have this by one means if not by another.  The keyword is enterprise.  When positive, the degree is a complete lack of personal frustration and a constant refinement of special and practical skills in the approach to daily problems, and when negative, a callous exploitation of all life.


This symbol speaks to us of our agenda, our directness and our ability to get to the point whether it is politically correct or not.  It confirms our mission and our strong sense of purpose.  At the same time it subtly implies a lack of restriction, a lack of freedom and a lack of compassion.  This symbol connects well with the aspects in the night sky as it suggests a need to get to the root of the matter, if we are to have a solution to any problem.  It is asking us to go within and candidly review who we are and where we are going.  This is the time to clean our minds of clutter, get rid of old hurts and throw out the dark secrets.  We need to have more transparency, so we can begin to comprehend where we are really coming from and to where we really are going.  With Mercury in retrograde our meditations during this period will surprise us with insights that will amaze us.  As the energies of an eclipse is powerful, may we become more aware and more appreciative of it, and may we heed the message it is sending to us with the passion we have within us.


Take Action or Fall Short with Visionary Imagery Echoes the May 20th 2012 Solar Eclipse”


Solar eclipses are like all new moons, which signals endings and beginnings, but unlike the regular phase of the moon they are major influences that are felt in different degrees depending on the astrological aspects and the sensitivity of the individual.  For some of us the change and the revitalization are obvious, and for others the transformation is hardly noticeable, but others may sense it inwardly.  As one season begins to fade and a new one is about to start, this period’s significant lunation at 00 Gemini 20 with its mystical and magical influences are about to be release on the global atmosphere on May 20th 2012 at 4:48 pm PDT echoing that we need to take action with our visionary imagery and see what possibilities exist.  By ignoring or missing the message it may have for us, we will be falling short of fulfilling our wishes, hopes and dreams for the future.


This Gemini eclipse conjunct the south nodes trine Neptune and Chiron with close proximity to Jupiter, Mercury, and Ceres, is intimating that past events are effecting, and are needed to be incorporated in turning our present and future decisions into reality we hope for and would like to see happen.  The results from our past actions seem to have come back to haunt us.  This explains and gives meaning to the words Karma and Dharma in that we need to choose our thoughts, expressions and actions with care and caution as they may return to us as unwelcomed quests.  The world of imagination and fantasy has opened its portals during this time period to be available at our fingertips to help us see beyond our normal capabilities into the creative thinking of tomorrow and beyond, to solve some of the obstacles, problems and difficulties facing us today.  This threshold if used properly with wisdom may become a window to opportunities. 


 “The Sabian symbol for the 1st degree of Gemini is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.


Gemini 1  A glass-bottomed boat in still water  This is a symbol of man’s alertness to every ramification of experience open to him, and of the necessity that he take definite action his own account if he is to capitalize on any particular opportunity.  The emphasis is on an objective inactivity of value to the individual as it becomes a poise through which he is able to regrasp his destiny at each point of advantage, and as it gives him a readiness of touch with the transient stream of everyday affairs.  The keyword is curiosity.  When positive, the degree is high competence in the estimation of life’s potentialities, and when negative, a lack of effective participation in reality because of continual indecisiveness.


This symbol speaks to us of a heightened awareness, that can be attained by our curiosity and sincerity through new ideas in whatever forms or disguises, which are presented to us for our consideration and use.  The need to develop our perceptions, emotions, and detachments with objectiveness to any new concepts is essential in seeing and accomplishing new vistas.   Our ability to recognize the potentials of any conceptual idea is greatly enhanced by our ability to adapt and improvise in any given situation and to the degree of confidence and trust we have in our higher intuitions, inspirations, and imaginations.  We need to remind ourselves of the energy and potential that is directed towards us with this Solar Eclipse in Gemini echoing the significance of our actions and the prospects that may be achievable in our visionary imagery in its connection with the mystical and magical world, bringing into reality new concepts and possibilities in fulfilling our dreams.

“With High Hopes There Goes Another Rubber Tree Plant Sings the 3 Sag Solar Eclipse”

As the winter nights and the global financial situation seems to be in a slow mode, a chance for change of attitude and hope, and a time to make a difference is in the air with 02 Sagittarius 36 partial Solar Eclipse at 10:10 pm PST on November 24th 2011.  Eclipses are extra potent moon phases signaling a beginning or completion of a major lesson or lessons in life.  Another important aspect is that this is the last of the six super moons for the year which indicates its’ closest distance from the earth and the importance its influence may have in our lives in the coming weeks.  Coincidentally it is happening at the end of the day during the celebration of Thanksgiving in theUnited States.  With a stellium in Sagittarius and a trine involving Jupiter, Pluto, and Mars, it is reminiscent of the song “High Hopes” written by Sammy Cahn from the film “A Hole in the Head (1959).  The song tells of an ant with high hopes against insurmountable odds, and finally moving a rubber tree plant.  It is a song and story of overcoming the impossible and the unthinkable, because of determination.  Whoops, there goes another rubber tree plant.

This reminds us that any situations or circumstances needs to be thought thoroughly through if we are to begin to understand if things needs to be revised, updated or a complete new direction be instituted.  If change is what is indicated, a thorough understanding and strategy, is a must and should be considered and worked on before jumping into any solution without knowing of a successful outcome.   If the remedy to the solution seems to be impossible, the aspects in the night sky are saying to us to use the energy of the planets to decide the next step.  Reminding us that high hopes with positive thinking and thoughts combine with determination with an open mind will allow us to find the answer and lead us through the dark tunnel to the light and to safety.  The Universe is reminding us that all is energy, and that the mind which is energy can transform and create.  The aphorism that “birds of a feather flock together” is more a universal law that is always at work, more then we realize or pay attention to.  Keeping our thoughts with high hopes and positive thinking will attract its similarities to it, bringing more ideas and successful completions into reality.

“The Sabian symbol for the 3rd degree of Sagittarius is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Sagittarius 3  Two men playing chess  This is a symbol of the self-confidence and authority which come to man through his refinement of skills and discipline of understanding, and of his capacity for mobilizing every potentiality of self at any point of challenge in events.  Here is emphasis on the individual’s effective and profitable participation in a reality which he has been able to approach and master through the completeness of his perspective.  His gift of concentration is his genius of self-fulfillment.  The keyword is ability.  When positive, the degree is high sensitiveness to every possibility of accomplishment of broadened self-discovery, and when negative, unsuspected bigotry or foolish exactitude.

This symbol speaks to the extraordinary mastery of our mental abilities expressing our foresight, imagination, keen insight, sustained concentration and the anticipation of the thoughts and actions of others and the consequences of these actions.  It is also our ability to profit and learn from our trials and errors, the routines of others, the laws of nature, and our natural ability to improvise, respond and quickly react effectively and forcefully when the unexpected happens.  Our love of intellectual competition and sportsmanship with either our self or others is one of our innate needs.  With the above assets, talents and techniques under our belt in hand with high hopes, positive thoughts and determination, how can we fail?  We may not win like we hoped, but we will not have lost either, but have gained knowledge and wisdom to achieve our wishes and goals at the end.  So with high hopes, there goes another rubber tree plant.

“July 1st Solar Eclipse is Asking Us to Correct, Clarify and Fine Tune Our Perceptions”

However one receives the news today, either through the internet, on the air or print, one realizes that something is happening that is telling us that business as usual is not the case.  Whether it is the political or physical upheavals in the world, weather patterns gone berserk and the doomsday prophesies; unrest, fear and frustration is here to stay with us for the time being.  As the rebellion of thoughts and ideologies is running amuck across the global communities, the third eclipse in a row, forming a Solar Eclipse on July 1st 2011 at 9 Cancer 12 at 1:55 a.m. PDT, is a another clue telling us to pay attention to what is happening around us.  That not only do we need to listen to our inner spiritual voices, but to be aware of everything that is going on around us, to make the right choices as we go forward during this period of trials and tribulations.  This Solar eclipse square Neptune, trine Uranus and opposite Pluto is giving us another opportunity to get our personal world in shape, by giving us the energy and motivation to correct, clarify and fine tune our perceptions.

As the aspects have been forecasting for the last few years, that reevaluation and change is not only simmering in the atmosphere, but the need for action to bring it into reality is a necessity and must at the moment.  The question to be under consideration and concern, is what action of change is to be implemented, is it change from the inside or from the outside of ourselves?  Is it change from the stand point of what we think the truth is, or from the standpoint of what we are being told and or are being convinced is the situation, or change from what the situation actually is?  Do we need to use hindsight, foresight, insight, or are all three needed to be blended in with our logic and wisdom to come up with the right changes and direction that will place us on the road we should have taken?  All these questions are needed to reinforce and to reestablish the correct perceptions of any situation when making decisions.  It is whether we wish to continue as is, make some minor changes, or make a complete turn around, as no resolution can be made without a truthful perception of what the circumstance are, in which we are dealing with.  

“The Sabian symbol for the 10th degree of Cancer is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Cancer 10  A large diamond not completely cut  This is a symbol of man’s basic self-justification on the cultural or intellectual side, and of the complete dependence of the world around him on his arts and skills for any values that may be built or sustained in its eternal promise.  Here all progress turns out to be primarily the endowment of reality with expanded dimensions of significance, and man’s pilgrimage through the lower planes of being is revealed as a continual service to higher meanings through which he knows himself.  The keyword is latency.  When positive, the degree is an effective gift for dramatizing the potentialities of everything at hand, and when negative, a futile lean on purely static merit.

This sabian symbol in Cancer is telling us that we need to nurture the ability to have the insight to see beyond the surface of a person, idea or circumstances where we can see the potential, and work with it until it is manifested into reality.  It is the ability to see an uncut rough gem and to realize the finished product may be a diamond.  It takes hard work and intuition to look beyond what appears in its rough stages and it takes determination, faith and the will to see the project through to the end.  Whether it is an object, an idea, or person, it is the firm conviction and hard work that brings the potentials into the open and we reap its rewards.  The ability to have the insight to recognize merit only comes when we begin to fine tune our perceptions.  To begin to see things as they are, not the way we want to see them or the way others want us to see.  Having a clear perception of any situation or problem will give us a head start in solving and creating a world we would be happy to live in.  This Solar Eclipse is allowing us to correct, clarify and fine tune our perceptions, and our responsibility, is to have the insight and determination to work with it for our benefit and happiness.

“June 1st 2011 Gemini Solar Eclipse Resounds That Spontaneity Leads to Discovery”

Eclipse Symbol by Deirdre Tanton

As the summer months begin to appear on the horizon, a Partial Solar Eclipse is the beginning of three eclipses in a row on June 1st 2011 at 2:02 p.m. PDT at 11 Gemini 02, brings its enchantments, myths, and legends to the forefront of our thoughts.  The ancients considered the eclipses as omens of evil and tribulations as the lights, the Sun or the Moon, are hidden for a short period of time from view.  In our modern times these superstitions seem passé, except for the fact the earth seems to be rebelling with earthquakes and weather patterns going berserk around the globe causing havoc and destruction in its path, with the awaking of social and political unrest happening everywhere, at the same time.  The diversity of discontents and upheavals is causing the reawakening of the subtle implications that the Universe is trying to tell us something, is in the air.  With so many voices pronouncing that the end of the world is imminent, and the visual and physical evidence that seems to be happening, our subconscious and inner soul is seeking answers and signs, to bring comfort to the uncertain feelings that abound.

The partial eclipse is trine Saturn in opposition to Uranus square Pluto, and a stellium of planets which include Mercury, Venus and Mars in Taurus is echoing and resounding that spontaneity and improvisation at the moment leads to discoveries and inspirations.  Spontaneity indicates that we are living and making decisions with quick mental and emotional reactions, and we are made accountable for our actions and the outcome of our choices.  In the blink of an eyelid, to make the decision to live the moment and to see the implications of that action and to know it will lead to new avenues of inspirations and discoveries in our next turn, on the road of life.  The Solar Eclipse is giving us a wakeup call and telling and commanding us to realize that this period in our evolution is a turning point in which we must take serious steps, and to make it happen.  With Saturn in opposition to Uranus, change is not the only keyword, but versatility, adaptability, improvisation, and our need to be spontaneous with wisdom and judgment (Jupiter trine the North Node).  To know also that everything beneficial or malefic placed in our path is for a purpose, and with wisdom and discernment, we will make the right choices for progress.

“The Sabian symbol for the 12th degree of Gemini is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Gemini 12  A Topsy saucily asserting herself  This is symbol of the balance which every individual must maintain between the compulsions of the social milieu on which his wellbeing depends and the necessity that he exercise his fledgling wings on every possible occasion.  Like the slave girl trying the patience of her mistress as far as she dares, man must speak out to life with an almost spiritual impudence in order to have any character at all.  Personality here is refined as it risks its very being to be what it as yet has still to become.  The keyword is growth.  When positive, the degree is a high gift for taking personal advantage of every new situation in experience, and when negative, a joy in pure dissatisfaction.

This Sabian symbol is reminding us to take a stand to assert ourselves to gain the confidence, in order to grow into the person we want to become.  Growth takes time and experience which requires trials and errors to decide how far we can go, and what works for us.  Although we may not wish to go through the trials and tribulations that life has in store for us, the experience and the effort we put into it, is what gives us the character that defines each of us as individuals.  It is being spontaneous of any situation that we become aware that this is the moment that brings about new discoveries and inspirations to where we need to be.  It is being responsible for our spontaneous actions that wisdom and discernment comes into play, and that gives us the confidence to live our own lives to the fullest every moment of the day.  This Partial Gemini Solar Eclipse is giving us the magical energy to help us to be more spontaneous and adventuresome to discover the inspirations we need to overcome whatever is ahead of us in the coming months.  Our duty to the Universe is to accept the gift in gratitude and to work with it to the best of our abilities.

“Capricorn Solar Eclipse on Jan 4th 2011 calls for Action to Accentuate the Positive!”

Just a few days into the new calendar year, it will bring in 2011 with a big bang, with 13 Capricorn 38 Solar Eclipse at 1:03 a.m. PST on January 4th.  With the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, heralding brilliant out of the box ideas to create and solve situations at hand, and the revolutionary tendencies instilled in our psyche to break out of the same as usual routines and compromises.  This aspect of the two planets is demanding that we begin to have foresight and stop depending on hindsight to solve our problems.  The usual tendencies of keeping the peace and not rocking the boat is about to be booted out the door and that we are about to show a new side to our attitude, that business as usual is no longer acceptable.

With the Eclipse square Saturn our dependence that others in the know should know better is being replaced with thoughts and convictions that those who have created the crisis and problems because of greed need to be responsible for their decisions.  Our responsibility at this time is to begin to take accountability of our own direction and destiny, and to realize that we are the creator and designer of our future.  With the Solar Eclipse helmed in by Mars, Pallas and Pluto, the need to take action and not wait for others to create our reality is at our door step, in which we can longer avoid.  The Zodiac and its energies are demanding answerability, transparency, cooperation and integrity in all our dealings.

“The Sabian symbol for the 14th degree of Capricorn is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Capricorn 14  An ancient bas-relief carved in granite  This is a symbol of the immeasurable potentiality of the present moment as a recurrent manifestation of all that ever has been or that ever can be, and of the ability of man to capitalize on opportunities thus brought to focus in himself and his world at large again and again.  Here is an absoluteness of self as it proceeds to express itself with true conviction, and a completeness of its achievement as it acts with the over-all perspective of which it is capable.  The keyword is foundation.  When positive, the degree is a gift for bringing all things into a pattern of convenience and thereupon precipitating an inevitability of desired results, and when negative, meaningless limitation.

The concept that is expressed from this Sabian symbol is the immeasurable potentiality of living and experiencing the present moment and the solid foundation we need to build upon, for the future.  We need to be aware that everything we put our mind to, may not have a successful completion.   What is important and necessary is that we need to accentuate and concentrate on what we are good at and capable of doing, and working along those lines to improvise and accomplish that we thought might not have been possible.  Once we allow our authenticity, honesty, philosophy and our true spiritual nature to express itself, our higher spiritual self will guide us through the rough waters of life.  Being true to ourselves and our nature, and by living the moment, the truths and path we seek for, will be revealed to us.  In this way we would be proud and honored to have our story and accomplishments carved in granite for those who come after us to be inspired and guided by.  The keyword is to accentuate the positive, and the pathway to success will reveal itself to each and every one of us.

“26th Degree Capricorn Solar Eclipse on Jan 14 – 15 – Being Attuned and Connected!”

The first Solar Eclipse for the New Year of 2010 is happening on January 14th at 11:13 p.m. PST at 26th degree of Capricorn, is pointing to a major crossroad which spotlights our method of our operations, the structure of our thinking and values that need to be transformed or eliminated.  With the eclipse making a sextile to Uranus and Mercury conjunct Pluto, square Saturn, it is telling us, to think out of the box to discover new ideas and solutions.  To identify the issues and problems and work on the solutions, rather then allowing things to continue as they have been, or a quick fix to the situation which does not eliminate the problem.  Jupiter is about to shortly move into Pisces representing spiritual realities, intuition, imagination, the arts, meditation, and occult and metaphysical studies.  Jupiter is also concerned with the truth, wisdom, the law, tolerance, reconciliation, and appreciation and enjoyment of life itself.

“The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 26th degree Capricorn is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Capricorn 26  A Water Sprite  This is a symbol of a pure mastery of experience in its inner or spiritual aspect, and of the possession of every richness of outer reality in a highly imaginative or personal form.  Here the pure integrity of self asserts itself as a protection against blind or inept participation in the current course of events, and calls for a conscious self-idealization in even the most unimportant or transient functions of life.  Spontaneity is demanded as a necessary quickening to values.  The keyword is restlessness.  When positive, the degree is an exceptional sensitiveness to over-all implications and high skill in avoiding drab or commonplace involvements, and when negative, carefree irresponsibility and a dislike of intimacies.

This is explaining to us that we need to be like the nature spirits and experience and feel through the fullest, what life has to offer.  That our sense of sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste does not miss any sensation or situation that comes our way, and that through really experiencing every moment, then can we make the right decisions.  The word restlessness is a little deceptive, in that it is implying boredom which may be involved, but restlessness that causes us to want to experience the moment and to ever develop new skills to avoid doing things routinely, has no alliance with boredom.  In this fast paced world the Universe is telling us to slow down and smell the roses.  Until we can do that we cannot make the right decisions for the future, as we do not have all the facts in front of us.  The planets are trying to direct us towards a better future by helping us to become aware of our surroundings and environment by being attuned and connected with all that God has created.  This Solar Eclipse is asking us to go into our inner holy place and unveil our highest and noblest aspirations for the future and bring it into reality.