Posts Tagged ‘exaltation’

“Do Not Judge a Book by Its Cover Whispers the Solar Return Second House”

Living during these times is very exciting as the world is spinning so rapidly into the future, that every second of the day, something new is always being discovered and developed.  The idea behind the statement, “do not judge a book by its cover” is a concept we need to deal with in a new light and in a new way.  At onetime it meant to keep any preconceive ideas or prejudices of an individual or situation from being conceived in our mindset, but with all the new innovations, it includes almost anything and everything we see or come into contact with.  Experiencing today’s world we know that nothing is static, that everything is in constant change, and what something seems to be reality today, maybe a distant memory tomorrow.  Or what appears to be one thing, maybe something totally different, or not function as one would expect.  This is extremely important when it comes to delineating the second house solar return during these trying financial times.  In this fast paced world we live in, jumping to a conclusion, without further investigation is an easy step to fall into because so much information is vying for our attention.  As uncertain and unreliable as the times appears to be, it is important and a necessity that we make sure we don’t create unnecessary fears and stresses by misunderstanding and misinterpreting the events indicated by the return chart.

This is definitely true when we see Jupiter or Venus in the solar return second house, as we may quickly surmise that good things are coming our way during the coming year.  Or seeing Saturn or Mars, we might quickly come to the conclusion that hard and frugal times are on the horizon.  As quickly as the assumptions are made, it may just be as quick to reverse our decisions, as we take a closer and more detailed look at the chart.  As this world is changing so rapidly, we need to adapt and to improvise to the ever varying circumstances, because following the same old procedures does not seem to be working.  We as astrologers, who are advising ourselves and others to the state of affairs that might be in store for us, need to use every tool we have at our disposal to be as accurate as possible, which will give some indication and direction.  I have noticed that the essential dignities that were once the basic foundation of our studies, having been laid aside for more modern and quicker techniques.  Sometimes we use them, and at other times we are in such a hurry we forget they exist.  Using computer software to calculate our charts has made it easier for us to overlook some basic steps that should always be used for a thorough and precise delineation of any chart 

The essential dignities are like the horse and buggy, we know they are important, but at this point in time they are like the Model T Ford automobile.  They get you to where you want to be, but are very slow compared to our modern transportation and they just don’t fit into our lifestyle of today.  This is a big mistake in my thinking as the essential dignities are part of the basic foundation of astrology, which is similar in concept of the wheel which has not drastically changed through the years.  We must remember to use these basics and revitalize them for today.  Essential dignities will be the key ingredient to give color and dimension to our delineation.  We also need to begin to realize and to understand how the planets mimic and behave through the different signs as they travel throughout the zodiac.  Whether the planet is a benefic or malefic, is it happy and comfortable in the sign it is in?  Is the degree of the sign and the aspect it is making a hindrance or a help?  Is the planet in its exaltation, triplicity, face, term, fall, detriment, et cetera?  All these rules and concepts colors how well the planet will perform.  I have quickly learnt my lessons with my own solar return when I misjudged Jupiter and Saturn by not paying attention to the basics which created fears and stresses which could have been avoided.  The lesson at this juncture is never judge a book by its cover before reading and understanding the contents.

“Is a Planet in Exaltation Showing Pride in Achievements a Beneficial Dynamic?”

One of my most memorable moments in my life was taking astrology classes in an elegant old brownstone in a once prosperous section on the upper Westside of New York City.  It was a group of about ten of us who met twice a month for almost two years to compare many charts of friends and the famous, in which we exchange ideas, thoughts and delineations.  Not only was I amazed by the diversity of personalities, but the variety of promises and successes shown throughout the charts.  Most of charts which had kept and fulfilled their promises were very obvious.  This storehouse of information for comparison gave me some moments of regret and sadness as there was only two trines and two sextiles in my natal map.  In the charts we were studying the beneficial aspects and essential dignities were abundant and overflowing.  In some cases the squares and oppositions was the benefic aspect to the individual’s success. 

I brought this to the attention of my teacher, and in her insight, she said, “the Universe may give us a difficult chart to work with, but in their wisdom they will give us an aspect that if we work with it, will help us through life’s difficult moments”.  At the time I didn’t realize how powerful these words were and the wisdom and truth that were within its meaning would support and carry me through some wonderful and difficult times.  The one thing I have learnt through the years in studying astrology is, it isn’t how many beneficial or malefic aspects one has, but how we work with the aspects the Universe has bestowed upon us that creates successes in one’s life.  We all consider our assets as beneficial gifts, but our liabilities are also gifts, and if we understood how to use them to our advantage, then the magic of creating our hopes and desires would be within our grasp.  My gift from the Universe was Jupiter in Cancer, exalted in the eleventh house.

Jupiter being the only planet in exaltation in my natal made me eager and interested in reading anything on the subject matter.  The following quotation comes from the book, “On The Heavenly Spheres – A Treatise on Traditional Astrology by Helena Arelar and Luis Riberio”.  “In the astrological interpretation we might consider that an exalted planet simultaneously indicates value and exuberance.  If the planet represents an individual, it suggests someone respected and well-intentioned but with a tendency toward exaggeration and even arrogance.”  My original reaction was shock that a beneficial aspect would be connected to a negative trait, but with further investigation I realized I had jumped to the conclusion that we were talking about the natal.  The authors were talking about a horary chart and indicating the planet might describe the person involved in the question. This made me wonder if an exalted planet would describe our attitude on the area the planet governs in our lives.  Would it be as drastic as arrogance, egotistical selfish pride or more like wholesome pride of achieving what one puts his mind to?

Meditating on this I came to the conclusion, nothing and everything is neither all beneficial, nor all malefic, but a combination of both to achieve what we hope for.  Nothing is black or white, but all the different grays from one end of the spectrum to the other end.  If we didn’t have little wholesome pride of our achievements, the exalted planet would not be able to continue bringing it’s blessing into reality.   What I have come to the conclusion, it isn’t what is in the chart that is important, but what makes success or failure, is how we work with what is given to us, to the best of our abilities.  Success comes when we become aware that everything in the Universe is like the symbol of the yin and the yang encompasses good and evil, light and dark, et cetera.  We need the wisdom and the understanding that by working with these energies instead of against them, they will work with us to achieve our wishes and dreams.  Next time one connects wholesome pride with an exalted planet, just remember a beneficial dynamic may just be beginning.

“Mercury Retrograde Starting August 2nd 2011 Says To Articulate Is Playing It Safe”

Another Mercury Retrograde cycle begins August 2nd 2011 at 01 Virgo 12 until August 26th 2011 at 16 Leo 42, which needs to be handled with caution, carefulness and retrospection to avoid glitches, personal misunderstandings, delayed, flawed, disrupted communications with ourselves and others.  Although I know there always will be mishaps that are unavoidable during this period, I do believe much of the frustrations and stress we experience is sometimes caused by our own carelessness in paying attention to the particulars.  This retrograde is in the beginning of Virgo is saying to each of us that if we always articulate and pay attention to the minute details, we will be playing it safe and be avoiding much of the frustrations and upsets this period can bring with it.  Mercury is exalted and happy in Virgo as the planet retraces its steps into Leo, where it begins to relive the feelings of the group with its peer pressures and pleasures.

In trying to understand what Mercury is going through as it retrogrades, I tried to imagine myself as a respected and honored individual in an environment that is catering to all my needs, returning to the position of being just another regular and nondescript member of the group.  Although I am happy to be back among my peers, the recollection of what it was like before returning haunts my memories and judgments.  I began to wonder if this period of Mercury Retrograde will revolve around frustrations and delays around events, whether of an ordinary, serious or pleasurable nature, the group as a whole decides on.  It is not important what events or plans that we would participate in, but making sure when following the crowd that their plans has been thought out, so there would be no loose ends to cause anxiety and tension.  Many of the problems that appear on the horizon are caused by not paying attention to the fine points.      

“The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 2 degrees of Virgo and for the Sun in 19 degrees of Leo is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Virgo 2  A large white cross upraised  This is a symbol of the conscious stewardship through which man sustains his more enduring values, here emphasized by an uncompromising testimony to his deeper allegiances.  His moral courage is a dynamic for all transcendental achievement, and his psychological fearlessness is a corrective for maladjustments of both individual and society.  A sense of spiritual belonging is exalted as the greatest human satisfactions.  The keyword is glorification.  When positive, the degree is an utterly selfless enlistment in some dramatic service for the ultimate welfare of humankind, and when negative, witless dogmatism and misdirected efforts for causes of great pretension but little real worth.

Leo 19  A houseboat party  This is a symbol of creative relaxation as a prelude to effective effort, and of man’s normal capacity for achievement through an everyday rehearsal to co-operative relationships with his fellows.  There is here a sealing off of some pleasant pocket of life for an intensified culture of the skills and inspiration which can implement a contribution to the world at large.  Any dull routine of existence may be exalted as a common adventure in self-expenditure.  The keyword is congeniality.  When positive, the degree is a gracious eagerness of participation in the more worthwhile or enduring aspects of human affairs, and when negative, thoughtless self-indulgence and contempt for the general welfare.

As this cycle begins, it is not only important, but a must to understand what drives us, and how it drives us?  Understanding this in ourselves will help us to avoid some of the trials, tribulations and frustrations this period of time, has in store for us. What is the foundation of our beliefs and how far we are willing to stretch it and to go beyond our principles to obtain our desires and happiness?  As an individual and especially as part of a group, we must confront this question, when dealing with any action or pleasurable event?  Not only must we consider our beliefs and standards, but we must begin to understand the effects of our actions and whether the plans and the details where thoroughly thought through and worked out?  This period of time is not telling us not to be involved, but to make sure we know what we are getting involved in.  That we are not just following our emotions and the group’s energy, but also using our thinking faculties to ensure satisfaction, happiness and completion of any situation at this time.  Mercury Retrograde is reinforcing and re-reminding us to articulate to keep us safe from disappointments and stresses during this interlude.

Mercury Retrograde Begins August 2, 2011 1 Virgo 12 R
Mercury Goes Direct August 26, 2011 18 Leo 42 D
Mercury Retrograde Begins November 24, 2011 20 Sagittarius 6 R
Mercury Goes Direct December 13, 2011 3 Sagittarius 52 D

“Essential Dignities are Indispensable in Delineating a Chart with Impact!”

One thing I have realized about astrology is that it is a subject matter that one needs to continue to study and research, that never quits and keeps on going and going.  What I haven’t always realized or considered, is that what ever is studied and memorized at one point needs to be reevaluated from time to time to gain a different perspective, understanding or impact, as we continue our growth on the astrological path.  I have learnt through experience that the same thought and idea under consideration will offer different implications at different time periods of my life.  I am not sure if it is because my thoughts have matured, or am I looking at it from a different angle or point of view?  Whatever happens, it seems that these new insights come about when reviewing an old subject matter already studied.  This always happens when I restudy a subject and it especially was evident when I reexamined essential dignities with a traditional astrological mindset, which instilled in me a totally different way of looking at my self and others.  It isn’t that the knowledge wasn’t there all the time, it is just that I didn’t realize how to apply it or I didn’t investigate far enough into the subject matter to uncover the gem and treasure contained within, what a fantastic surprise. 

My first teacher whom I have great respect for, gave the subject matter a quick going over and seems to have used it sporadically during the course of our study.  With all that we were learning, the essential dignities sat in the back shelf of my memory for occasional use when I felt the need for it.  In trying to establish a firm foundation into traditional methods, my research and study showed that the dignities play more of an important role in the delineation of a chart then modern astrologers give it credit for, which gives a more interesting and complex picture then I could ever imagine or makeup in my imagination.  Although the dignities play an essential part in horary delineation, its work in the natal is as important and vital to the ancients in understanding the natal chart and the individual within.  In considering the dignities, one must remember there are the essential elements and rules that consistently apply to the planets within the signs.  The accidental dignities occurs when the quality, energy and strength of a planet is fortified by being direct, swift in motion, angular, free from combustion, in a beneficial aspect to a fortunate planet or conjunct an auspicious fixed star. 

The first dignity is the ruler of the sign, which one can think of as the King or President of his country or the proprietor of the house and household, the planet is the master of his surroundings and his wishes and commands are brought into fruition.  What follows is the planet that is in its exaltation which would represent an honored spiritual or political leader, whose wishes and commands are always hopefully carried out.  A planet in its fall is like a person from a different culture or background that feels uncomfortable in the sign or house and is unable to receive any help or support from his surroundings, and may be compared to an uninvited guest to a private function, no happiness or satisfaction there.  Next to be considered is the triplicity ruler of a day or night chart, which is like the best buddy or visiting celebrity, which is treated with much respect and who is beneficial, helpful and works with the planet in all its endeavors.  Then comes the bounds or better know as terms where the signs are divided unevenly into five sections, where the planets are given a place of their own to be themselves without any obstruction or interference from others.  It may be compared to a refugee for whatever reason seeking asylum in another country, or a person seeking a quiet abode to meditate and do his own thing in this fast paced world we live in.  Face is the next dignity to be considered, which is likened to the trusted servant in the household, trusted and respected in its place in the family circle, but weak in the hierarchy of the group.  The planet in its detriment has no validity or honor and who is not expected to contribute anything and is not listen to or respected for what it might add to the household. 

With the realization of what this new information could do for me in my delineation of any type of chart, I began to see where my interpretations were faulty and on a weak foundation.  It helped me to understand why some individuals did not fulfill the promise of their charts, and others appear to exceed their dreams and desires.  To put these thoughts into practice, let us pretend that we have Jupiter in Capricorn on the mid heaven sextile Venus in Pisces in the eleventh house.  Quickly off the top, we might assume the person will have a good job with a decent salary.  Delving deeper one realizes Jupiter in Capricorn is in its fall situated on the cusp of an angle is not particularly happy with the situation and is uncomfortable doing what is expected of him, but a friend either recommended him for the job, or is the support he needs to fulfill the dreams and wishes he wants to obtain.  Venus is exalted in Pisces and makes her well respected and she knows the territory and can guide and support Jupiter to excel in his desires.  This is just a simple example, and it can become more complex and revealing, when one really begins to work with this system.  When one becomes a friend with the essential dignities, their secrets are revealed and then we will come to realize how indispensible they are, if we wish to make an impact with our delineation.