Posts Tagged ‘Scorpio’

“Realizing and Prioritizing Our Vision with Action says 5 Scorpio 46 Lunar Eclipse on Apr 25th 2013”

In the past few months, the aspects in the night sky have been very direct and simple without the usual clutter, allowing us to have fewer distractions. Giving us the opportunity to bestow our full attention to whatever we are working on that is important to us. In the midst of it all, the 5 Scorpio 46 Lunar Eclipse will make its appearance on April 25th 2013 at 12:59 pm PDT, telling us how imperative it is to realize and prioritize our vision with action at this time, for our future happiness and welfare. It is reminding us that our vision needs to encompass the welfare of others, besides ourselves. In the ancient world, the appearance of an eclipse brought fear and distrust. They felt that eclipses is the forerunner of earthquakes, berserk weather patterns, flooding, destructive tidal waves, social unrest, upheavals, conflicts and wars. We have become so blaze that we no longer cringe in the wake of it, in our modern world. The eclipse is a crucial time for us to harness its energy and power to get our house in order, and to make things happen.

“The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 6th degrees of Scorpio and for the Sun in 6th degrees of Taurus is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Scorpio 6 A gold rush This is a symbol of the exploitation of natural resources through personal initiative of intelligence, and of every individual’s essential independence of the commonplace limitations or superficial inadequacies of life. There are always high rewards awaiting any genuine enterprise, and as man dramatizes the opportunities of the world at large he is able to improve his own immediate condition in all possible directions. Human skills are forever challenged to their own good fortune. The keyword is ambition. When positive, the degree is instinctive self-dedication to the unseen potentials of everyday existence, and when negative, a lack of practical discrimination and an irresistible desire for easy money.

Taurus 6 A bridge being built across a gorge This is a symbol of the conquest of natural difficulties by conscious means, and of any individual’s essential independence of nature’s accidents or incontinences. There are always ways in which physical limitations may be transformed into personal or social assets, thus contributing a dependability on the outer side to a consistency on the inner and so giving every possibility of continuance and intelligence to human experience. The keyword is channelship. When positive, the degree is the directness and the practical instinct by which personality achieves ultimate benefit of its powers, and when negative, a love of short cuts and every possible escape from the obligations of daily living.

These symbols may indicate the greed for riches, but seen in the right light it is emphasizing the capability of having the foresight, the optimism, the opportunity and the potential to see beyond what appears to the senses at the moment. It speaks to our resourcefulness in our ability to go within our creative advantage to see the opportunities that may arise. It reveals to us our ingenuity to overcome obstacles by not being defeated by the limitations, but our determination to find the solution. It reiterates the preparation that is needed before attempting to surmount or transform a problem or situation. It reinstates the scout’s motto “to be prepared”. Although there were gold miners that got rich, the ones that truly became affluent were those who supplied the necessities to those who went in search for the gold. For example the stores, the banks, the hotels, the restaurants that thrived in the make shift camps and cities that sprouted up around the gold fields. These symbols are so appropriate when one applies the message of this Lunar Eclipse, by reminding ourselves, that we all can benefit, if we begin to realize and prioritize our vision into action. Only then will our wishes and dreams become a reality.

“Lover Come Back to Me Sings Mercury Retrograde on Nov 6th 2012”

It seems to me that there is always something or someone, which one can not be without and at the same time, to be with.  This is the type of association I always seem to have with Mercury Retrograde.  The planet in retrograde comes around in such a cyclic manner, that it is and here today and gone tomorrow, just as quickly as my love and hate relationship with the planet, does.  When retrograde comes back to me, my love for the time we spend remembering and meditating on what has passed and seeing what clutter needs to be thrown out with those bits and pieces we are keeping to be organized to be use in the future, are the times I cherished and have planned for.  What I hate about retrograde is the need to handle this period of time with caution, with carefulness, with retrospection in order to avoid glitches, with possible personal misunderstandings, with delays, with flawed and disrupted communications.  Mercury Retrograde will be singing “lover, come back to me” as it makes its appearance on November 6th 2012 at 4 Sagittarius 16 R until it turns direct on November 26th 2012 at 18 Scorpio 11.  His stay this time will be highlighted with a Solar Eclipse joining the reunion bringing excitement, tension and unexpected escapades.

“The Sabian symbol for the Mercury Retrograde in 5h degrees of Sagittarius and for the Mercury Direct in 19th degrees of Scorpio is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Sagittarius 5  An old owl up in a tree  This is a symbol of the necessary element of steadiness in human affairs, and of the extent to which the demonstrated and widely accepted values of life must have their full and functioning part in the immediate reality with which an individual may be seeking to come to terms.  Here is the power of man to give an eternal stability or a universal compulsion to whatever seems to call to his own deeper and private potentialities.  Emphasized especially is the real dignity of self-respect.  The keyword is normality.  When positive, the degree is exceptional wisdom or effective self-restraint in each detail of personal accomplishment, and when negative, self-betraying intellectual and emotional smugness.

Scorpio 19  A parrot listening and then talking  This is a symbol of the raw substance of intelligence, and it suggests that conscious existence can be shaped according to any desired lineaments.  Inherent in the symbolism is a sensitiveness to the continual reworking of reality on the ideal or imaginative side, and to the opportunity the individual may have for selecting or rejecting every essential element of his make-up.  Man continually projects the image in which he creates him self.  The keyword is conventionality.  When positive, the degree is exceptional skill in bringing the whole tenor of transient circumstances to the service of a personal aspiration, and when negative, the idle mimicry and self-gratifying pretense.

These symbols speaks to the need to go within our higher self during this period of time to seek the wisdom of restraint and stability with the importance of staying centered and aware of the world around us.  The image represents astuteness, emotional detachment and extreme self control.  The emphasis and the need at this time is to demonstrate dignity, self respect and the knowledge of when to keep silent in any situation that present itself, knowing that our actions may have ramifications we may regret.  To avoid stress and frustrations that can be magnified out of proportion to the reality and actuality of the situation.  With the Solar Eclipse joining the party, it is emphasizing the importance of paying attention and living the moment, as it is vital and essential during this interlude in time.  The significance in allowing our sensitivity and awareness to be grounded is critical to any success.  With the aspects in the night sky, it is telling us that we need to pay attention to our actions, realizing and understanding that our actions and the consequences will reverberate into the future.  Mercury Retrograde is reminding each of us as he sings “Lover come back to me” that the consequences of our actions have a habit of returning and haunting us.  Make sure our thoughts and actions are thoughtfully and carefully worked out during this point in time, is the message he is singing to us.

“The 21 Scorpio 56 Solar Eclipse on Nov 13th is Stressing the Passion for Candidness”


Drama and intrigue is in the air as the cold winter winds blow with Chiron and Neptune in Pisces as they are exchanging glances with Ceres in Cancer, while Mercury Retrograde is in Sagittarius.  The tragedies and the schemes being played out by the aspects in the night sky is being reflected and mirrored within our own conscience.  Solar eclipses are extra powerful New Moons, signaling a time of major endings and the first stages of major beginnings.  On November 13th 2012 is not only a super moon, indicating its closeness to the earth and at the same time, a partial solar eclipse at 21 Scorpio 56 at 3:09 pm PST is stressing the passion for candidness.  Our own sense of right and wrong is demanding us to be honest with ourselves and to have the integrity to step up to the plate when called on.  During this period of time the energies of the moon exposes what we think is our dark side, our secret passions, our fears, our inabilities to cope and the trepidation of not accomplishing and completing one’s destiny.  Our higher inner voices with the push from the influences of the planets are telling us, to shut up or put up. 


“The Sabian symbol for the 22nd degree of Scorpio is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.


 Scorpio 22  Hunters starting out for ducks  This is a symbol of the sim0licity of self-expression and the straightforward honesty of desire which men tend to exhibit from birth in nearly every realm of normal or everyday activity, and of the average individual’s need for genuine psychological elbow-room in his dealing with world about him.  Here is freedom of action willy-nilly, as marked in the frequent determination of the human spirit to have this by one means if not by another.  The keyword is enterprise.  When positive, the degree is a complete lack of personal frustration and a constant refinement of special and practical skills in the approach to daily problems, and when negative, a callous exploitation of all life.


This symbol speaks to us of our agenda, our directness and our ability to get to the point whether it is politically correct or not.  It confirms our mission and our strong sense of purpose.  At the same time it subtly implies a lack of restriction, a lack of freedom and a lack of compassion.  This symbol connects well with the aspects in the night sky as it suggests a need to get to the root of the matter, if we are to have a solution to any problem.  It is asking us to go within and candidly review who we are and where we are going.  This is the time to clean our minds of clutter, get rid of old hurts and throw out the dark secrets.  We need to have more transparency, so we can begin to comprehend where we are really coming from and to where we really are going.  With Mercury in retrograde our meditations during this period will surprise us with insights that will amaze us.  As the energies of an eclipse is powerful, may we become more aware and more appreciative of it, and may we heed the message it is sending to us with the passion we have within us.


“A Time of Reckoning is at Hand Depicts the 6 Taurus 48 full Moon on Oct 29th 2012”

The darkness and coldness of the approaching winter seems to be only a few days away as the visions and memories of the last harvest are almost completely gone.  During this period the early settlers with the limitation the weather had on their ability to keep enough provision to last through the wintry weather needed to hunt and to process their food to last them until the spring begins to unfold.  As serious preparation to provide for the coming months was by hunting game, the 6 Taurus 48 Hunter’s Full Moon makes its appearance at 12:50 pm PDT on October 29th 2012 in opposition to the Sun conjunct Saturn in Scorpio.  Emphasizing and depicting a reckoning of some sort is at hand.  Reckoning as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as follow “A settlement of accounts: a day of reckoning”.  Saturn in Scorpio is associated with responsibility, restitution, reconciliation and to take an assessment of any situation.  This moon phase is spotlighting and forcing us to confront and to account for our fears, to account for our habits, to account for our limitations and is asking us to address it or let it go.

“The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 7th degrees of Taurus and for the Sun in 7th degrees of Scorpio is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Taurus 7  A woman of Samaria  This is a symbol of the unimpeachable divinity which characterizes man’s nature at root, represented here by his instinct for higher things as he yet plumbs all experience to the depths and welcomes life almost indiscriminately into the uttermost inner reaches of his being.  Implicit in the reversed symbolism of this famous amoral figure of Biblical times is an indomitability of striving for real and gratifying self-fulfillments.  The keyword is awakening.  When positive, the degree is absolute and wholly impersonal self-giving in the hope of an honest self-realization, and when negative, a debasing and carefree dissoluteness accepted in compensation for the unattained and more enduring satisfactions.

Scorpio 7  Deep-sea divers  this is a symbol of the absolute integrity of man’s nature at root, dramatized here by his insatiable determination to plumb all experience to the depths and to uncover the illimitable reaches of potentiality in his world of everyday relationships.  Implicit in the symbolism is a challenge to self-refinement through a subjection of the skills of self to every possible test or opportunity for a further perfection.  Self-fulfillment is through an ever-increasing interest in day-by-day problems.  The keyword is involvement.  When positive, the degree is a persistent penetration to the very vital core of human motive and make-up, and when negative, fundamentally unsocial instincts and a resort to wholly absurd escapism.

This symbol speaks to us of the sacredness of man ever thirsting for spiritual nourishment and the enlightenment of seeking fellowship with kindred spirits.  It speaks to us of reaching out and demonstrating and living our beliefs and being an example to others in what we stand for.  The accent is on being of service and putting aside our fears, our limitations, and our prejudices and in giving our assistance and support to others in need, whether they share the same convictions or not.  It is also asking us to take an account of our spiritual beliefs and our concepts of what is truth, and if it is hindering us from addresing our values?  Is our ability to assist and to listen to others dependent on whether they share the same views as us?  At the same time the symbol speaks to us of the need to investigate, to explore and to unravel any mystery to its core value for our self improvement and growth.  Curiosity and persistence gives the momentum to scrutinize things out before acting upon it.  As the Taurus Full Moon makes its presence felt, let us remind ourselves that the time of reckoning is coming from within.  That we are our own judge and jury, and the outcome is in our hands.

“Vesta and Her Vestal Virgins, the Keeper of the Eternal Flame is Vigilant and Devoted”

Symbols have always been very important in my life, as they represent something without being defined by a set and selection of words, describing what it means.  The symbols can invoke different feelings and emotions in me, depending on the moment in time and in what association the symbol brings to mind.  The American Heritage dictionary defines symbol “as something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible.  2. A printed or written sign used to represent an operation, an element, a quantity, a quality, or a relation, as in mathematics or music.”  I have never placed too much emphasis on the asteroids as my priorities laid elsewhere, but the symbol for Vesta has always had a soft spot in my feelings and thoughts.  The symbol invokes in me the deepest regards of the eternal light that burns within each of us.

This symbol to me represents flames ever burning and ever reaching for the higher spheres, and represents to me the need to go within our higher self to meditate on our purpose in this life and to tend with sincerity and intention to our own inner flame and requirements.  Vesta is one of the brightest of the asteroids and is associated with Roman mythology as the Goddess of the hearth and fire, and is linked with the aspects of Scorpio and Virgo signifying great concentration on any given task to the exclusion of everything else.  With her vestal virgins, she is the keeper of the eternal flame, the self- perpetuating sacred eternal illumination.  Vesta is vigilant, committed, dedicated, directed, devoted and brings a capacity for pureness of expression for the highest potential and essence of its beliefs.  The goddess brings into each individual the attention, the strength, the purity, the perfection and the reason for the journey in this life.

My interest in Vesta was rekindled recently by an article in the Mountain Astrologer Magazine issue #164 august/September 2012 entitled “Vesta: Driven toward the Sacred” by Dawn Bodrogi.  She explains that whatever house the asteroid is placed in, describes what we instinctively honor and with a pure heart and deeds, where we hope to fulfill our destiny.  With one single minded determined vision and action we will make the ultimate sacrifice for whatever and for whomever we feel is our purpose without questioning the basis for our decisions or our thoughts.  After having accomplishing and achieving our sacred goals, we may feel tired and exhausted, but satisfied and feeling right with our self and the world at large indicates that Vesta is in harmony in our chart.  Aspects of this asteroid give us a sense of urgency, passion and desire.

I began to look at other charts before I made up my mind whether it will be another tool added to my files in delineating any chart.  I was shocked to find that it explained my friend’s strong conviction in relationships by the author’s explanation of the aspects to Venus, Pluto, Mars and Saturn.  Her descriptions seem to describe him to perfection that I began to see if it make any sense to the other charts I had in my files.  To my surprise, it either confirmed other aspects or gave a clear subtle explanation of something I hadn’t seen before.  My problem with her article is that I wish it was a bit longer, but otherwise it was quite informative.  The one thing the article did, was to tease me, and made me want to learn more about Vesta and in what area of our life we would become vigilant, committed, devoted and dedicated to a cause we believe in.

“Is the Part of Fortune the Cause or One of the Factors for Our Financial Outcome?”


With the global financial situation looking a bit gloomy on the horizon and having lasted longer than any financial advisor expected, it is predictable that the concern for our own financial situation would be on our minds.  A novice will encounter the meaning of the Part of Fortune shortly after having a consultation concerning his finances, as astrologers feel it dramatically illustrates their delineation.  In my experience many of those individuals who come under the influence of astrology, have come to the art because they have either romantic or financial questions that have sparked their interest.  In delineating, one must take the whole chart in consideration to make any accurate prediction pertaining to any area of concern the individual may have.  The problem comes about, that without realizing it, the Part of Fortune takes center stage and becomes the focal point of determining in what area of life, the financial outcome will or will not manifest in.  My problem is that we lose sight that the chart as a whole needs to confirm the conditions the finances will be like in our lifetime.

Morin has always stated and repeated in all his books, that there should be several indications that something is going to occur, before one can become certain that it may come about.  It may happen or may not happen because he always felt, the freedom to choose was ours to make.  Even if it does come about as predicted, the degree it will come to pass is determined by the choices we make.  I personally have always felt that the Part of fortune was just one of the players of several in obtaining our financial goals.  It may be one of the important indicators in that it helps us to determine what talents, assets and tribulations will be a help or an obstacle towards any degree of success indicated by the chart.  The house position of the Part of fortune points to the area in our life that will influence how we see financial prosperity and security in our world.  The house colors in the way we see possession, what is considered a possession and to what area the prosperity will manifest itself.


Recently I ran across someone who had their ascendant in the beginning of Aires with the Moon in Pisces in the eleventh house on the edge of the twelfth, with the Sun in Virgo in the sixth house and the Part of fortune in Libra in the seventh house, and the ruler of Libra in Scorpio conjunct Pluto.  It always excites me to see the angles in the houses as they were meant to be in a natal chart, as I personally feel the energy of those houses are that much more powerful and direct.  And that the destiny and purpose of the individual is laid out plain and simple without the hidden complexities and subtleness most charts have hidden in them.  The difficulty is seeing the simplicity that is right in front of oneself.  Aries is energetic, powerful, inspiring, self-concerned and assertive.  Pisces is sympathetic, caring, responsive, nurturing and spiritual.  Virgo is articulate, analytical, service minded and detail oriented.  Libra is people oriented, on the side of justice, balancing the opposites and the refinement of beauty.  Pluto investigates, seeks the secrets and the sacred mysteries and sees transformation, as death and birth cycles that all life goes through.


I have a strong conviction that by arranging the keywords of the Part of Fortune, one will come up with the areas, the assets and liabilities that will determine whether we fulfill, increase or lose the promise of the financial conditions indicated.  With Aries and Pluto the energy and the power is ever present and continuingly moving into new directions.  The keyword is cultivating and harnessing the energy and force, were one is in control of it and not the other way around.  Balancing the force is the issue here, in order not to confuse the message you are receiving or conveying to others.  Taking the mysteries and the spiritual significance within and combing them with everyday issues into a workable system is on the agenda.  Balance, wisdom, feelings and emotions need to come into play when relating to others.  With Libra the importance is in sharing what one knows in what works for you, that are important and really matters.  The satisfaction is in the knowing you have something worthwhile to give and to share, and to a public that appreciates it and respects it.  It is taking the mystery out of the secrets and making it plain and simple that will be your key to success.  Seeking and fulfilling your destiny will be your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  In conclusion the Part of fortune definitely is the cause, and the effect is whatever our true self was hoping for.

“Looking Through the Eyes of Others Focuses the 16 Scorpio 01 Full Moon on May 5 2012”

As the May flowers begin to bloom and to fill the air with the kaleidoscope of colors and smells to awaken our senses to our hopes, our wishes and to our anticipation of what is to follow.  So too, with the aspects in the night sky during the 16 Scorpio 01 full Moon at 8:36 p.m. PDT on May 5th 2012 is revealing the complexities, intrigues and secrets we need to face in the coming months and the area we need to concentrate on, if we are to meet the challenges, head on.  This is the second of five Super Moons this year which indicates that it is at its closest distance to the Earth, which intensifies our actions, emotions, and our involvements in everything that concerns us at this time.  This moon phase is emphasizing that we need to look through the eyes of others to see a different viewpoint then our own.  In this way we will be able to learn to treasure and to alter how we view our selves, our abilities, our surroundings, our supports and how intricately involved and connected we are with all that the Universe has created.  In this way the essential truths and desires of any situation or circumstance may be more easily deciphered, and the benefits and the disadvantages are revealed and exposed.   

“The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 17 degrees of Scorpio and for the Sun in 17 degrees of Taurus is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Scorpio 17  A woman the father of her own child  This is a symbol of the eternal conflict between the practical involvements and the ideal potentialities of human nature, as here emphasized in man’s conscious individuality.  The soul feels the weight of its transient responsibilities while the indwelling and immortal spirit is sensitive to its need for an enduring place in the scheme of things.  The recurrent virgin birth of self is its reconciliation with its world through their common center of reality.  The keyword is nucleation.  When positive, the degree is an illimitable self-potentiality with effective spiritual or ideal as well as practical or everyday orientations, and when negative, a characteristically anarchistic self-sufficiency.

Taurus 17  A battle between the swords and the torches  This is a symbol of the eternal struggle between the practical necessities or transient competitions of life on the one hand and the motives and meanings which give them direction and order on the other, as here emphasized on the world stage.  Man survives and gains a genuine self-fulfillment as he aligns himself with the cause of enlightenment while yet respecting the manifestations of might.  The keyword is resolution.  When positive, the degree is high organizational skill and an ability to bring the magic of understanding to any specific difficulty, and when negative, a loss of self-competence through conflicting compulsions of necessity and desire.

These symbols speaks to our inner higher spirit, that in finding our real self and nurturing it, that we take the feminine and the masculine in each of us and unite them as one in bringing into reality our creative abilities, our full potential, and our ability to create harmony from chaos.  At its utmost this represents an astonishing aptitude for undertakings and the ability to find significance and purpose in all God’s creation. The need at this time is to reconcile our conflicts and differences that may arise from our spiritual convictions versus our material and physical needs without compromising our integrity.  Our ability to nourish our negotiating and mediating skills within ourselves and others is our key for success.  The challenge is in the understanding and the wisdom when improvisation is called for and when the time for compromise is needed and when one should withdraw until the proper time to continue.  The saying “putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes” helps us to gain different viewpoints, attitudes and options to any situation or problem.  As this Full Moon appears on the horizon we need to remind ourselves to look at our blessings and our difficulties through the eyes of others in order to appreciate and have the gratitude in what we have and what we are about to receive and to that which we need to do without.

“To Anticipate is To Participate Repeats the 18 Taurus 05 Full Moon on Nov 10th 2011”

As the winter nights with its cold chill winds sweep through the dark, the 18 Taurus 05 Beaver Full Moon on November 10th 2011 is repeating its message that to anticipate is to participate.  To the indigenous people and the early settlers ofNorth America, this moon phase begins the opportune time to collect the beaver fur for warmth and trade, for the bleak months ahead.  With a trine involving Pluto, Mars and Jupiter, the night sky is telling us to prepare and to be ready for any circumstances that presents it self.  If we wish to be successful in any situation, we need to have as our mantra the motto of the Boy’s Scout “to be Prepare”.  Being prepared, is to use our imagination and our mind to anticipate and prepare for any event that will present it self, in so doing we are participating and working through all eventualities.  This full moon is telling us to think in, out, around, above, and below the box to imagine all possible outcomes, to see which one will reenergize and reinvent our thinking and our lives.

“The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 19 degrees of Taurus and for the Sun in 19 degrees of Scorpio is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Taurus 19  A newly formed continent  This is a symbol of the raw substance of existence, and it suggests that experience may shape its own ground in full conformity with its desires.  Inherent in the symbolism is an awareness of the constant reworking of all reality through the course of successive overall cycles, and it dramatizes the fact that man re-establishes himself continuously within the lineaments of each new realization of his powers and of the opportunities of his world.  The keyword is originality.  When positive, the degree is a revolutionary potentiality by which each individual is enabled to remodel the entire face of the universe, and when negative, a genius for futile turmoil and persistent upset.

Scorpio 19  A parrot listening and then talking  This is a symbol of the raw substance of intelligence, and it suggests that conscious existence can be shaped according to any desired lineaments.  Inherent in the symbolism is sensitiveness to the continual reworking of reality on the ideal or imaginative side, and to the opportunity the individual may have for selecting or rejecting every essential element of his make-up.  Man continually projects the image in which he creates himself.  The keyword is conventionality.  When positive, the degree is exceptional skill in bringing the whole tenor of transient circumstances to the service of a personal aspiration, and when negative, idle mimicry and self-gratifying pretense.

The implication here is that the Universe through its manifested reality is constantly changing and reworking itself into new possibilities.  We need to follow the lead of the Universe and to adapt, to improvise, to think and to act on each moment as it unfolds.  This symbol represents creative and far-reaching vision, new opportunities and transformation for any situation we put our mind to.  At the same time it is reminding us to examine the information we receive, before we repeat or use the information in directing our lives and our future.  It is telling us not to accept blindly, but to double check that it is reliable, accurate and precise before engaging in its use.  Our greatest advantage during these precarious times lies in adjusting and ad-libbing to changing circumstances.  By identifying our potentialities and possibilities, our awareness and realization will be rooted in reality.  This Full Moon in Taurus is like the symbol of the bull, which is staying put, until we get the message that “to anticipate is to participate”.

“Methodical Persistence Creates Metamorphosis with the 3 Scorpio 2 New Moon on Oct 26th”


As the daylight becomes shorter and the dark of the night becomes longer, and the winds commence to blow with the weather getting colder, we are pressed by the subliminal to realize our need to revisit, reinvent, and reenergize our thinking.  As the winter begins to claim its share of the year, our instincts and intuition is telling our subconscious and our soul, that we need to store up, knowledge and information so we may arrange them into a logical sequence for use when the time is right.  As the ideas and thoughts are molded into our desires and are taken hold by our subconscious, only then will they blossom and materialize, creating mental magic.  With all new moons we are given a blank slate to begin new projects, and there is no exception with 3 Scorpio 2 New Moon on October 26 2011 at 12:55 pm PDT which is urging us that methodical persistence creates metamorphosis.


The New Moon is in opposition to Jupiter in Taurus, is trine toNeptunein Aquarius, is sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, and with Mars in Leo sextile to Saturn in Libra.  These aspects are asking us to question our understanding of our beliefs, morals, rules and regulations we stand for and defend as our own, in which we live by.  If there is any reasonable doubt our viewpoint is not just and fair to all, because our perceptions and our ability to see through the mist of illusions and delusions at this time may be hindered.  We must be flexible and be able to improvise a solution that can deliver what we believe and what we stand for.  We need to acquire the intensity and the methodical persistence to follow through what we started and believe in.  At this point in time, it is not important that we accomplish the fulfillment of our desires and the purpose of our sojourn, but the way and the how we try to bring it about, which is vital to our wellbeing.   


“The Sabian symbol for the 4th degree of Virgo is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.


Scorpio 4  A youth holding a lighted candle  This is a symbol of a true contact with inner and transcendental realms of reality, and of the rewards to the spirit which come from a realization of the continuing ties between the least of individuality and universal life as such.  There are always evidences of higher meaning and immortal value in each moment’s detail of everyday living, and there is an enthusiasm which arises from an ever-clear vision to bring every possible sustainment to man in his outer and practical world.  The keyword is reliance.  When positive, the degree is an unquenchable and irresistible confidence in the goodness and integrity of all things, and when negative, a simple-minded impracticality if not a very unhealthy self-obsession.

This Sabian symbol emphasizes the need to come into this world with the innocence and the wonderment of a child and in having the wisdom, the respect and the understanding of the implications the candle represents and stands for.  This candle speaks to us of enlightenment, vision, inspiration, clarification, illumination, radiance and discernment in all matters.  Its light brings an awareness of the ultimate sacredness of all life, and the message, that the divine spirit flows through all life and matter.  This light in the dark represents discernment and searching for higher meanings and significances in every experience.  The candlelight points the way for others in the dark to see things more clearly and to lead the way out of darkness.  Even with knowledge and wisdom, unrelenting action is needed to reach the goals we set for ourselves and once there we will come to the realization, we have changed.  The transformation may be more dramatic then we may become conscious of.  To achieve our purpose and to bring about change, we need to follow the message of this Scorpio Moon, which urges us that methodical persistence creates metamorphosis.

“The Gift of the 27 Scorpio Full Moon on May 17th is to Accept Who We Are”

One thing I appreciate about thinking about the four important phases of the Moon, is that the number four represents foundation, and as we meditate on the Full Moon happening at 26 Scorpio 13 at 4:10 a.m. PDT, we can build on this groundwork for a better future.  The New Moon allows us to work with a clean slate and to make new choices.  The Full Moon with its light allows us to see if our new direction is going as planned, and if we need to make adjustments, or start anew.  With Venus, Mercury, Mars, and the Sun in Taurus, the energy is gathering momentum to pinpoint our need to understand what belongs, what defines us and who we are.  With the Moon in Scorpio representing the intense connection with those we identify as our own, it is telling us, that in order to receive and give, we need to accept where we are coming from.  Accepting who we are maybe a lot harder to accomplish as our complex emotions about our selves is more difficult to sort out.  If we are not able to accept the real us, then our ability to share and change is hampered, since we can not change or create, what is not there. 

“The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 2t degrees of Scorpio and for the Sun in 27 degrees of Taurus is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Scorpio 27  A military band on the march  This is a symbol of the human spirit’s desire to avoid everyday trivialities and drabness, ever pressing on toward some goal which can become a basis for a more enduring and individual reality.  The blare of self-affirmation is a rejection of the lesser experience which brings only a self-satiety, and its martial nature arises from the realization that things of worth must be gained at the price of a thoroughly self-mobilized effort.  The keyword is intrepidity.  When positive, the degree is a dramatic capacity for drawing events to a focus and directing their course successfully to what might have seemed impossible ends, and when negative, full hardy self-exploitation.

Taurus 27  A squaw selling beads  This is a symbol of the soul’s fundamental disinterest in everyday superficialities, and of its characteristic anchorage in an inner reality.  The exterior squalor here indicates a great satiety of experience, with petty excellencies of person dismissed as inconsequential in comparison with the fruitage of skills.  Individual existence is justified in a fidelity in the recognized tokens of the cultural heritage.  The keyword is detachment.  When positive, the degree is creative aplomb or the ability of humankind to dramatize itself effectively in even the least of situations, and when negative, a retreat within and an acceptance of the sterilities of life as the manifestation of selfhood,   

It is easier for us to be less critical of others, then our ability to be generous to our own assets and liabilities.  How others see us, is quite different then how we see ourselves.  The Full Moon is telling us to come out of the darkness and to be kind and loving to ourselves, by appreciating and accepting who we are.  One important concept we forget about when we make the connection of Venus, Taurus, and the second house to beauty, finances, property, et cetera, is who we really are, is our greatest asset and possession that we have.  The worldly material manifestations that define us to the world, in time will fade and disappear, but who we are will continue, to change and to grow.  When all the rest is gone, for whatever reason, our true self will pick it self up and start all over, again.  Our greatest possession is who we really are, and if we can accept and appreciate what we have, we can grow and change from there.  We need to take advantage of the stellium in Taurus and work with the concentrated energy to acknowledge and love ourselves for who we are, and will become.