“The 12 Capricorn 13 Full Moon on July 3 2012 Says the Tip of the Iceberg is Sinking”


For the last few years the difficult aspects of squares and oppositions have been making their existence felt, here and there.  The shouts of change have filled the air, but the results have been very dubious with very little results, that actually made any difference in the global situation.  The conjunction of Pluto with the moon starts a new cycle of radical transformation with a square to Uranus initiating a foremost turning point, something we haven’t seen for a quite awhile.  With these aspects the 12 Capricorn 13 Full Moon makes its appearance on July 3rd 2012 at 11:53 am PDT saying to everyone that the tip of the iceberg is sinking.  This is indicating to us that the situation is getting worst and the actions we need to take can no longer wait.  To react as we have been, has done nothing so far.  The Universe is about to push us into a situation, where we no longer have a choice, but to make some drastic changes in a creative and courageous way.  Within about a week and a half, both Mercury and Uranus will be turning retrograde, forcing us to look within ourselves for the answers.  


“The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 13 degrees of Capricorn and for the Sun in 13 degrees of Cancer is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.


Capricorn  13  A fire worshiper  This is a symbol of man’s inner strength through his realization of an inviolable  tie with creative power of the universe itself, dramatized by hiss continual outreach to the divine in a spiritualizing of his aspiration and a dedication of his talents and possessions to the over-all reality.  He knows he must demonstrate his ultimate independence of his circumstances or else surrender his own potentialities forever.  Here is ideality brought to the point of miracle.  The keyword is magic.  When positive, the degree is extraordinary skill in enlisting every resource of the world for the exaltation of self and the consummation of its ambitions, and when negative, consistent overestimation of personal capacity.


Cancer 13  One hand slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb  This is a symbol of that belief in his inherent supremacy over all other orders of nature by which man is characterized most fundamentally, dramatized by his quite normal confidence in his ability to deal with every eventuality of day-by-day activity and relationship.  Any individual must rule his environment or surrender his own potentialities forever.  Here is practicality brought to the point of ruthlessness.  The keyword is determination.  When positive, the degree is exceptional steadiness and a high sense of self-responsibility in every issue of the moment, and when negative, unnecessary aggressiveness and a self-defeating shortsightedness.


This symbol is empowering us because of the knowledge and wisdom that with the miracle of spiritual transformation we are inseparably linked with our creator.  The emphasis is on the devotion, on the hope, on the faith and on the inspiration that our creative power is within, and is connected with the Creator, to generate that which we desire.  This symbol points to our devotion, and our belief that everything we have and are, is because of a higher power.  This speaks to us of the exceptional discipline, control, responsibility and strength we have within, with our unshakeable confidence in our ability to handle whatever problems and tribulation that comes our way.  This symbol is reminding us to reconnect with the creator, to go within our sacred abode, that the solutions are within and easily accessible.  The tip of the iceberg is sinking and disappearing says this Capricorn Full Moon, as it is a wake up call that we can no longer avoid to find the solutions to our problems.  There can be no more delays, as we need to make some drastic changes before it is too late and are forced into it.

6 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by tony on June 18, 2012 at 11:37 am

    i have capricorn in my monn at 14 degrees. what does this signify


    • Posted by linknjoe on June 18, 2012 at 3:16 pm

      You are in tune with the energies, emotions, and feelings in which one needs to go with the flow, and what your higher inner voices are whispering to you. See what house it is in, and where the ruler of the moon is, and what aspects it is making, and that will give you a clue.


  2. Posted by Immanuel on June 24, 2012 at 2:32 pm

    Mankind Shall Winess The Power of 13!


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  5. HI
    My birthdate is 27 december 1982. I am going through some intense situations and recognzie with what you said. Is there something I can do. I am trying hard to get confidence and beat situations but I do surrender when the time arrives


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