“Convey and Sustain Our Beliefs Repeats the 21 Cap 45 New Moon on Jan 11 2013”


Starting from scratch or restarting over, one needs to begin with a clean slate, and this is demonstrated and exemplified as it is akin to the start of a calendar year or a New Moon that marks the beginning of a new cycle of possibilities, opportunities, potentials, discoveries and advantages that is within one’s reach.  Throwing out the clutter, the thoughts and the confusions that accumulate through time and assorting those that are kept, according to one’s present priorities.  These feelings and concepts are still within our consciousness and are backed by our New Year resolutions just recently made.  In this atmosphere the first New Moon  in the calendar year makes it’s appearance at 21 Capricorn 45 on January 11th 2013 at 11:44 am PST repeating and embellishing the thought that we need to convey and sustain our beliefs, as we begin a New Year and new epoch of growth, if we hope to maintain balance in our world.

 A stellium is a conjunction of planets and with this period of time in the night sky includes the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Pluto, Venus and Juno in Capricorn.  It is concentrating its energy and power, indicating a period of renewal and reenergized effort in getting things completed and finished.  With this force and power directed by the Universe, we as individuals need to work with these energies to improve and to reach our own dreams and desires.  These planets are asking us to help transform, transcend and to make a commitment to our beliefs, our relationships and to what we consider that has influence and meaning in our lives.  How we and others around us, see our energies, our time, our talents, our assets, our resources and how we work with these qualities will determine our results, our success, our happiness, our satisfactions and what we consider to be important and what we will achieve during this period of time.

“The Sabian symbol for the 22nd degree of Capricorn is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Capricorn 22  A general accepting defeat gracefully  This is a symbol of the immediate opportunities by which the human will develops the real power, and of its underlying and uncompromising loyalty to the long-range ends in view.  A realistic practicality is made effective through a self-disciplined grace of spirit, so that men are won over very often by the enemy they have defeated.  The individual exalts his destiny as he finds its roots established in values accepted by his fellows as well as himself.  The keyword is expediency.  When positive, the degree is a genius for learning from experience and transforming setback into accomplishment, and when negative, irresponsible acceptance of the worst and insensibility to self-inadequacy.

This symbol is so timely, as it is implying and at the same time insisting that we see and consider the whole picture and situation we are in, and by deciding on a strategy before any decision or action can be made.  It is asking us to face the facts of the circumstances, and if it is inevitable that we need to admit to defeat or to retreat, one needs to lay a side one’s pride and strategically plan and devise other avenues and solutions.  It illustrates and demonstrates the principle that to lose a situation or several in a row does not mean that we do not successfully accomplish what we set out do in the first place.  In its most positive aspect, it is turning every loss to an advantage and every defeat to a victory.  To remember that every set back is temporary and is something we learn from and learn to overcome or work with.  The key is our strategy and our ability to adapt and improvise when needed.  This Capricorn New Moon is repeating, reminding and embellishing that how we convey and sustain our beliefs is the foundation of our strategy in life and how we put it to use in achieving our goals and wishes.

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