“Mercury Retrograde Starting August 2nd 2011 Says To Articulate Is Playing It Safe”

Another Mercury Retrograde cycle begins August 2nd 2011 at 01 Virgo 12 until August 26th 2011 at 16 Leo 42, which needs to be handled with caution, carefulness and retrospection to avoid glitches, personal misunderstandings, delayed, flawed, disrupted communications with ourselves and others.  Although I know there always will be mishaps that are unavoidable during this period, I do believe much of the frustrations and stress we experience is sometimes caused by our own carelessness in paying attention to the particulars.  This retrograde is in the beginning of Virgo is saying to each of us that if we always articulate and pay attention to the minute details, we will be playing it safe and be avoiding much of the frustrations and upsets this period can bring with it.  Mercury is exalted and happy in Virgo as the planet retraces its steps into Leo, where it begins to relive the feelings of the group with its peer pressures and pleasures.

In trying to understand what Mercury is going through as it retrogrades, I tried to imagine myself as a respected and honored individual in an environment that is catering to all my needs, returning to the position of being just another regular and nondescript member of the group.  Although I am happy to be back among my peers, the recollection of what it was like before returning haunts my memories and judgments.  I began to wonder if this period of Mercury Retrograde will revolve around frustrations and delays around events, whether of an ordinary, serious or pleasurable nature, the group as a whole decides on.  It is not important what events or plans that we would participate in, but making sure when following the crowd that their plans has been thought out, so there would be no loose ends to cause anxiety and tension.  Many of the problems that appear on the horizon are caused by not paying attention to the fine points.      

“The Sabian symbol for the Moon in 2 degrees of Virgo and for the Sun in 19 degrees of Leo is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Virgo 2  A large white cross upraised  This is a symbol of the conscious stewardship through which man sustains his more enduring values, here emphasized by an uncompromising testimony to his deeper allegiances.  His moral courage is a dynamic for all transcendental achievement, and his psychological fearlessness is a corrective for maladjustments of both individual and society.  A sense of spiritual belonging is exalted as the greatest human satisfactions.  The keyword is glorification.  When positive, the degree is an utterly selfless enlistment in some dramatic service for the ultimate welfare of humankind, and when negative, witless dogmatism and misdirected efforts for causes of great pretension but little real worth.

Leo 19  A houseboat party  This is a symbol of creative relaxation as a prelude to effective effort, and of man’s normal capacity for achievement through an everyday rehearsal to co-operative relationships with his fellows.  There is here a sealing off of some pleasant pocket of life for an intensified culture of the skills and inspiration which can implement a contribution to the world at large.  Any dull routine of existence may be exalted as a common adventure in self-expenditure.  The keyword is congeniality.  When positive, the degree is a gracious eagerness of participation in the more worthwhile or enduring aspects of human affairs, and when negative, thoughtless self-indulgence and contempt for the general welfare.

As this cycle begins, it is not only important, but a must to understand what drives us, and how it drives us?  Understanding this in ourselves will help us to avoid some of the trials, tribulations and frustrations this period of time, has in store for us. What is the foundation of our beliefs and how far we are willing to stretch it and to go beyond our principles to obtain our desires and happiness?  As an individual and especially as part of a group, we must confront this question, when dealing with any action or pleasurable event?  Not only must we consider our beliefs and standards, but we must begin to understand the effects of our actions and whether the plans and the details where thoroughly thought through and worked out?  This period of time is not telling us not to be involved, but to make sure we know what we are getting involved in.  That we are not just following our emotions and the group’s energy, but also using our thinking faculties to ensure satisfaction, happiness and completion of any situation at this time.  Mercury Retrograde is reinforcing and re-reminding us to articulate to keep us safe from disappointments and stresses during this interlude.

Mercury Retrograde Begins August 2, 2011 1 Virgo 12 R
Mercury Goes Direct August 26, 2011 18 Leo 42 D
Mercury Retrograde Begins November 24, 2011 20 Sagittarius 6 R
Mercury Goes Direct December 13, 2011 3 Sagittarius 52 D

30 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by swp on July 20, 2011 at 12:13 pm

    is there anything I can do if I HAVE to sign a contract during this time of Mercury Retrograde in August?


    • Posted by linknjoe on July 20, 2011 at 3:38 pm

      There is no problem if one has to make a commitment during retrograde, what one does is to make sure you are really aware of what the contract means to you and what you are signing. The problem we get into, is assuming that the little things don’t matter, when they really do. During retrograde what you think you heard and what you think you said, maybe more different when it comes down to keeping one from the frustration and stress this period may bring. My keyword and advice is to be cautious and aware, and you will avoid many of the mishaps that might happen.


  2. Posted by Bluelagoon on July 21, 2011 at 6:18 am

    Hi Lincoln – I’m in the same situation….
    I a Scorpio and I’m currently interviewing for a job for which I have a final interview next Tuesday. If all goes well I should be agreeing to this next week (before Mercury goes retrograde) but potentially I won’t be signing the contract until the week after – when Mercury is retrograde.
    Reading the above this should be ok as I’ve agreed to everything before Mercury goes retrograde, I’m just signing the contract? – Would you agree?


    • Posted by linknjoe on July 21, 2011 at 12:55 pm

      Yes, if I was in the same situation I would sign, making sure I reread the contract and was paying attention to the details. Also one must remember retrograde may bring delays and certain replays, and if one is aware of this, things will go smoothly. Congratulations, and remember a positive attitude and outlook are our keys to success. Being aware and cautious is the first step to achieving one’s dreams.
      Regards and the best,


  3. Posted by kiki on July 24, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    Last August 2010 I experienced a tremendous epheaval with a new job in Mercury in retrograde. I left it on the third day, having not been cautious, careful or refelctive and clear about what it meant to me and what I was getting into.

    I have been unemployed since then.

    Do I dare have any hope that MIR 2011 will create any kind of a positive replay and reversal of what has been a grueling experience, but resplendent with new self-knowledge, humility and appreciation? I so want to return to work. I miss it, miss the great people of the workplace ( I teach) and the creativity.


    • Posted by linknjoe on July 24, 2011 at 4:57 pm

      Hope is always good to have, as it is one of the elements of creating what we wish and dream about. With hope we need determination and wisdom to let the Universe know we are sincere about our dreams and desires. You didn’t mention if you had a job in the offering this coming retrograde, to expect a replay of 2010. Remember MR is a time to go within and take stock of what is important in your world. It is also a chance to change directions and reinvent your self. Whatever happens in the coming weeks, being aware and cautious will help one side step the trials and tribulations associated with this period.
      The Best,


  4. Posted by Liz on July 28, 2011 at 4:47 pm


    My mars is at 20 Leo37, so the stationary/direct turnround will happen pretty well on top of it. Because this is also one arm of a t-square, it will also turn square to my sun and opposite my saturn. Anybody want to get specific about just how badly they think that things are going to get?!



  5. Hi there.
    Thanks for the MR info. I just found about opportunities for a couple clients, one of which I would help submit a proposal during MR. It helps to know about being aware of details. A decision won’t be made til mid-Sept. Also, knowing there might be delays is good to know.

    You mentioned going in a new direction could take place during MR. I thought it was good to not start something new, but more wrap-up older activities.



  6. Posted by jade on July 30, 2011 at 11:09 am

    is it still ok to travel or vacation when merc retro in virgo? thanks


    • Posted by linknjoe on July 30, 2011 at 5:41 pm

      Yes , with care and caution and anticipating delays and frustration, and if they do happen, taking ttthe frustrations like a grain. It seems when one’s attitude is prepare and positive, only the good happens.
      Have the best time,


  7. Like above, I will be starting a new job on 8/22 but I agreed and signed on last week. Is there anything to be aware of starting a new job in the middle of this Mercury Retrograde or should I wait until the 29th to start? Also, my rising is Virgo, will this MR effect me in any certain ways? Thank you!


    • Posted by linknjoe on August 1, 2011 at 6:41 pm

      Mercury Retrograde may be a period to be cautious and careful, but that does not mean you don’t continue living your life as normal as possible. What it does mean, is that things can happen that we don’t expect, and or delays, or things not going the way we planned and hoped it would. As long as we pay attention to the details and not rush in to anything, things will go more smoothly.
      Best of Luck on you new job.


  8. Posted by Yuki on August 2, 2011 at 12:02 am

    Hi Lincoln,

    I’m a female Leo (born Aug 13) and I’m in the very early stages of dating a male Leo (born Aug 14)… I’m curious as to how this retrograde may impact on us.

    Thanks 🙂


    • Posted by linknjoe on August 2, 2011 at 4:54 am

      Mercury has a lot to do with communications and travel and I think the keyword for any relationship is being extra sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of the other person, and being extra attentive of what the other person is trying to communicate to us during this time period.
      The Very Best,


  9. Posted by pat on August 2, 2011 at 2:09 pm

    hi there, i too am born august the 13th with a rising in leo and moon in Sag…been feeling really emotional and suicidal today for no good reason, i feel like i am about to fall apart and go absolutely CRAZY…think that has to do with mercury in retrograde?
    any input would be greatly appreciated


    • Posted by linknjoe on August 2, 2011 at 4:30 pm

      I am sure Mercury Retrograde along, would not give you an emotional down, but what I would suggest is that you determine what house Mercury is in and what are the aspects, and in what shape are they in. Check the transits and how they are affecting you. Remember retrograde is a time to do some reflection and begin to see what is really important to you.


  10. Posted by KS on August 2, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    Hey! Longtime lurker here! Quick question: I am a Scorpio with almost everything else in Sag, except for Mercury. I accepted a job yesterday for which the training starts on Thursday. It will involve training through August, but the actual job won’t start until September. However, I will likely have to fill out the paperwork etc. on Thursday. Should I treat it as if the actual job is starting during MR, since I formally accepted and will do all the paperwork and training just before retrograde, even thought the job won’t actually start until after Mercury goes direct? My thought is yes, but I wanted to see what you thought. (I am especially concerned, because last year I started a job in August during MR which turned out to have a lot of problems, and culminated in my position losing funding and me being laid off during the MR this past April, so clearly I am susceptible to the influence!) Thanks in advance. I love your blog!


    • Posted by linknjoe on August 2, 2011 at 4:56 pm

      Yes, I agree with you, continue doing what you would normally would accomplish if Retrograde was not happening. During this period of time making sure you pay attention and are alert to everything, especially the details. Having a positive attitude, but at the same being aware that things may go haywire, but that you are in the driver’s seat to make any corrections, when needed. Try not to think of what happened in the last MR, as the aspects are in a different position. You seem to imply you have a stellium of planets in Sagittarius, if so this might have caused your problem the last time, and not the Retrograde. Our thoughts can create the very thing we don’t want. With this thought in mind, say to your self, “That you are in the right situation at the right time”. Repeat this every time, doubt crosses your thoughts, especially during this point in time.
      Congratulations and may all go smoothly,


  11. Posted by Donna on August 3, 2011 at 2:57 am

    Hello! I was interviewed for a job in July and I agreed upon terms and conditions last week July 29th. Now I am waiting for the formal agreement and will probably have to start working soon. What to do? :))) I am not sure if I can wait till the end of the month…


  12. Posted by Andrea on August 5, 2011 at 8:27 am


    My birthday is on August 16 and I will go on vacation with my husband and baby on august 14 till august 17, will this MIR affect me more if my birthday is on August? and will it be ok to travel during the dates I mentioned above? Thanks!!!


    • Posted by linknjoe on August 5, 2011 at 12:43 pm

      Yes, but the key keyword is care,caution and be alert. Life need not be disrupted with MR.
      Have a good time!


  13. Posted by George on August 5, 2011 at 11:56 am


    I am a Gemini and Mercury is my ruling planet. My life takes a U Turn every time Mercury goes retrogade. i wonder if this is psycological !!

    How can we minimize the effects of this regular retrogade cycles ??


    • Posted by linknjoe on August 5, 2011 at 12:53 pm

      I have a stellium of planets in Gemini and my ruling planet is Mercury, so I can empathize with you and understand where you are coming from. The important keywords are caution, care, alertness and wisdom during retrograde. Also to remember that fear or apprehension creates the very thing we don’t want. With attention to details this period is never half as bad as we fear.
      Regards to a fellow Mercurian,


  14. Posted by Chrissy on August 12, 2011 at 12:53 pm


    This is great! Thank you so much. About 2 months ago, my ex came back to me wanting to work on our relationship. He was doing really well up until last friday. He was falling back into very old and selfish patterns that are disrespectful to me. Instead of working through the problems, he chose to blame me instead and not understand me or apologize for his bad behavior. Again, just like in the past. I refuse to compromise myself. Respect in the relationship is a big deal for me and being able to be there for someone and apologize to someone if you hurt them. So I decided to put an end to it. I actually feel really good about my decision. I love him, I really do but I won’t condone bad behavior. I compromised myself in the past for him and that is what contributed to a lot of the mess. I refuse to be put in that position ever again. Secretly, a little voice in my head, is hoping that during this time he will learn that you can’t treat people poorly and break the bad habits but I am not going to focus on that. And by the way, he broke up with me during the last mercury retrograde, only to regret and come back to me 2 months later. Any insight on this? Any advice? How does it work for troubled relationships? Thank you so much! Love this site!


    • Posted by linknjoe on August 12, 2011 at 4:41 pm

      Thanks for the comments, it is extremely appreciated. Retrograde is a time to go within and see, search and decide what is important in one’s life and the direction that needs to be taken. This period is not the time to make decisions, but a time to gather all the information and to allow the Universe to show us the way. When retrograde has passed, our mind will be clear enough to decide on those choices that are right for us. What is important is to allow this time period, to freely communicate with our higher self, and to give ourselves an interlude of solitude and quiet, so our spiritual soul may be refreshed.


  15. Posted by Shannon on August 13, 2011 at 8:23 pm

    Hi. Unaware at the time of the MR…my boyfriend ended our relationship Aug. 2 of nearly a year. A few weekws prior he kept mentioning breaking up. We are both divorced and 4 kids each…so 8 is alot!He has shut me off completely and I am devesated. Also, at this time I am interviewing with a great company..will be told of their decision Aug16. I need guidance and do u think the relationship is really over…or will I get over him?


    • Posted by linknjoe on August 14, 2011 at 5:50 pm

      Hi Shannon
      I am not certain how much you really are into astrology, but as you say you need some guidance. My advice as far as seeing if your friend will reenter your life is as follows:
      1. An Horary Chart asking that question
      2. Solar Return Chart for the coming year
      It would be difficult for me to say if he would return, but if it has been a year already, I think it would be advisable to see an astrologer in your area to see what the coming months have to offer. Remember Mercury has to do with communications in every way. How we think and how we need to think. The Universe in its wisdom has given us this time off from the busyness of life to rethink what is really important to us. One must take advantage of what Mercury Retrograde has to offer and work with it. I hope this give you some ideas in what you can do to answer your needs and wants.


  16. Posted by Nicole on August 18, 2011 at 7:51 am

    My situation is similar to Chrissy’s. However I was unaware of this mir, but my boyfriend and I had a blowout during the one in march, there seems to be a pattern. I just wonder though, if he is unaware of this mercury retrograde and all that happens during this time, will he try to make wrong right, when the cycle is over?


    • Posted by linknjoe on August 20, 2011 at 12:20 pm

      Unless we are avid fans of astrology it is difficult to remember or plan for the retrograde, and I doubt very much your boyfriend was aware of it. It is difficult to determine what his actions would be after mercury goes direct, but this would be a good period for you to refresh your thoughts and see what you need out of life and relationships. Remember the mind is creative and creates. This would be a good period to visualize the perfect relationship you need, without specifying who that may be. If it is your boyfriend that would be great, but allow the Universe to choose, as the Universe knows best, and especially during retrograde.


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